Small bump right after injection help!!!!


New member
Im new to posting and am not sure if this is the right place but I pinned about a hour ago and notice a small bump about the size pinkey nail and was just wondering if I should be worried
No it happens I was worried I had a huge lump that ran all the way to my hip it took over a week to heal. But I usually
Can feel a bump its nothing to worry about it should be gone in a few days
Ya I'm not sure if it's my gear or technique when I pin my self but sometimes it bruises or nots up so ya there is discolor I use to get worried at first but it always heals up where are u injecting what size pin?
I use a 23g 1 inch. I know people say to use 1.5 inch for glute but I'm pretty lean and I always get deep enough
Ya that should be good I'm using 23g also I was getting huge lumps cuz my gear is thick and 1 inch wasn't going deep enough so I got 1.5 cuz I'm not so lean in that area lol ever since I get a lot less bad reactions I think u only should worry if u get flu like symptoms and injection site is red warm to touch 23g is kind of thick so it's gonna leave bumps sometimes