So glad Facebook did not exist back in my youthful days...


As the title states I am so glad Facebook did not exist back in my youth. Been seeing alot of drama on FB friends/peoples walls and man some of the things I did back when I was growing up would blow up FB and make these people's drama look like the Brady Bunch.
I am also so glad that there is a statute of limitation so I can sleep better at night.
I don't know about you Milton, but we had pager drama!
(555)555-1212 91111111
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I and several of my buds back from high school would still be explaining why our genitalia is all over the Internet. :eek:
Social media is ruining society. I went to dinner with the lady and looking around, everyone is on their phones. Nobody talks anymore. It's sad...
They were probably taking pictures of there dinner and posting that uphaha like anybody gives a f''k what your having for dinner . Im probley the only 25 year old i know that hasnt got facebook society's a mess
There is nothing to do on facebook. During my work I spend a lot of time there, but i just kill the time.
Of course when I was young, there was no internet, and you know, i think we was more protected from unmoral bastards, from porn, from stupid pop-music and advertisement.
And i really miss those days.
Social Media is garbage and its ruining our young generations.. been wanting to delete my accounts for a while but for marketing reasons with my business I haven't yet..
I agree. Hate the way people CANNOT do without checking F N FB or text constantly. As soon as the Capt allow everyone s talking on the phone...

When I walk through airports or malls it s good I ve mellowed as so many folks are nose down on the iPhone addicition...I call em pacifier s...ever hide an iPhone addict s phone...??? Funny shit.

My last ex gf was dismissed for the iPhone.
Yeah, I remember posting much shit in the early days of the net. I'm just glad that was before the days of "the internet doesn't forget"