So here goes

The Conquistador

Ology's Golden Boy
I am gonna abandon my usual haunt of the Convo lounge for this place since I need to learn all I can about converting before i place an order and try to undertake a conversion.I am doing searches on everything i need, but wanted to know if there were any things that might help a first time converter out to know ahead of time (any problems to expect)
I Got the balls up to order my shit soon, and am looking at getting powders of Test E, Deca (maybe), and EQ for sure. I was looking at the dbol also, but last time i took it I shed pretty well and Im not ready for that unless I have some propecia on hand. So right now I'm just asking for some newb advice and help. Thanks
just keep reading, the stickys at the top of the page have all the info you would really need for those powders. test e, eq, and dbol are a joke to make once you actually do it. as for deca I havent made it so Im not sure but its definatly not as hard as people think.
Read the stickies, those should give you a basic idea of what is going on and what to expect. Some of the better posters to look out for are pb and ida, however if pb starts to get friendly with you, roll up some newspaper, pop him on his nose and say, 'Bad pb, now go find your kitty.'

Don't believe him if he tells you it won't hurt or that you won't have self-esteem issues in the morning.
hahahaha sounds like you speak from experience Tx

"Don't believe him if he tells you it won't hurt or that you won't have self-esteem issues in the morning."
Ive converted all of that, and it really doesnt get any easier than test e, eq and deca. All go into solution without a problem. 1% ba for all of them will do you fine, no need for bb.
ah welcome to the chem forum man! u will learn tons in here! i know I have (and u should too as we've talked about this stuff in a way!)

Listen to PB and Ld50 (aka Ida) as well as the usual posters here like dougoefresh and Co.
corteztk1982 said:
hahahaha sounds like you speak from experience Tx

"Don't believe him if he tells you it won't hurt or that you won't have self-esteem issues in the morning."

yeah i had my way wif tx one glorious night (he loved it). caught graphix drunk one night and made him squeel like a pig. gettin some luvin is one thing but when you got a 300lber pounding you ass, whos on 5+g/w juice, you been had. swolenm prostrate, bad hymroids all this taken care of in one fatal push by none other than Dr. PB.

and while we on the topic of me and my greatness i have a new item to add to my list of potent elixirs. Dr. PB's Root Juice for anal or oral admnstration. guaraunteed to build rock hard muscle and fast. cures all ailmentrs known to man (and women). hurry and get you orders in cause this will be a fast mover. also if any of you have spercial needs i can increase my stack with a hormone of your choice. just send it my way and i'll commense adminstration immediately. and dont forget about PBs QA Dept. we test all home made and store bought juice to help take the guess work out of it for you and you'll sleep better at night knowing that our techs have been highly trained and will give accurate lab analysis. I'll even send ya a copy. How's that for service?
thats a good service, but id rather take my chances poking me wif sumpthin i made and suffer rather than have dr.PB take it all and tell me its bad while he loves it....
i am appauled. PB and associates is a reputable company that stands behind all our products and the women that work here. i been asked not to lololol anymore so i wont. thats gonna be my atavar now./
welcome aboard. number one rule of kitchen chemistry:

if at first you don't succeed, keep on suckin till you do suck seed.:D