So, how did it affect you?


New member
I did a search and looked around a little bit and didn't see a thread on this topic. I'm sure I'm not the only guy wondering either (especially for the newbies like myself).

I thought a thread with discussion about the affects throughout a cycle would be interesting. Mods, if this thread is in the wrong forum or if it's not appropriate, feel free to ghost it. No hard feelings.

I'm wondering as my first cycle is coming up, what to expect? What's the progression of change?

When you pinned the first time, did yourself different the next day? Physical/mental?

Did your body feel different? How?

How long did it take to start making the scale respond? Were the gains different than ones naturally gained?

I guess I'm just curious what to expect as far as the mental and physical change through 16 weeks?

Week 1: I felt.....
Week 2: I felt....


Apologies if the topic is lame, I'm curious.
Day 1 you feel better but its placebo. You wont really notice anything until at least week 4. I also did very well with the pinning. Until about week 4 and it for whatever reason got me very nervous. It got easier though. I didnt really notice a slow progression in change until one day it hit me in the mirror. It seemed like out of the blue "wtf I look different... i cant tell what it is.. oh wait.. i have more muscles SWEET!"
I'm only in my second week of test E (four injections so far) but I feel great!

It could be placebo, but I feel more pumped, stronger, bigger and all around more bad ass.

I've never been a really horny guy, but I'm very horny now and I actually feel like chasing girls, where as before my friends thought I was gay because I had NO, I mean ZERO interest in sexing up the females.

This is my first cycle and the past few weeks I have been very scared of pinning. Not bceause of the pain but because of the fear of infection. I'm still scared and have a feeling I will be until at least week eight. Then I'll be like "well, everything has been good so far."

People are telling me I'm bigger (guys in the gym) and the scale is up 5lbs with no change in BF, if anything I am leaner and more vascular.

Hope that helps some!
It's really different for each person too. It happens kind of slow at first. Around weeks 3-5 you'll start noticing little strength increases and a couple of lbs. Then like week 5-7 the scale starts moving and your upper body really gets that "shape". Then from week 7 on your full out ON cycle where you feel invincible. All your lifts go sky high. And the scale moves every time you step on it.