So tonight mars 2 and 1/2 weeks on 500mg of Test.

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So I found a way to continue taking my Test while I am traveling with my work. Anyway, I am at 2 an 1/2 weeks and I so far have been fine, but just 1 hour ago I got extremely agitated and every since then up until now I am getting mad at the littlest fucking thing and I am never like this, I am generally extremely calm and just not caring about stupid shit. I just now got pissed off because I spelled a word wrong in this post that I shouldn't have spelled wrong. I don't know if this is normal or will continue throughout the cycle or what. But I don't even think after 2 and 1/2 weeks the Test has even started to take full affect yet. So I don't know, it is just so weird being so damn frustrated and I hope it ends soon.
So I found a way to continue taking my Test while I am traveling with my work. Anyway, I am at 2 an 1/2 weeks and I so far have been fine, but just 1 hour ago I got extremely agitated and every since then up until now I am getting mad at the littlest fucking thing and I am never like this, I am generally extremely calm and just not caring about stupid shit. I just now got pissed off because I spelled a word wrong in this post that I shouldn't have spelled wrong. I don't know if this is normal or will continue throughout the cycle or what. But I don't even think after 2 and 1/2 weeks the Test has even started to take full affect yet. So I don't know, it is just so weird being so damn frustrated and I hope it ends soon.

Are you using an AI on this cycle? Do you plan to have bloodwork done?

I know when my e2 is either high or low I am very irritable. When they are in check test only makes me very friendly and confident.