Some Advice needed.


New member
Hi guys.

Well im just about to go onto the 3rd week of my test e/ anadrol cycle and looking for a little help with pip problems. Currently I have pinned in my quads and glutes upto now however the post injection pain Im getting is unreal, at first its was painful but as time goes on it seems to be getting worse. Originally for a quad shot it was taking 3 days for the pain to subside and for me to walk on it again properly but now its 5 days before its nearly ok to walk on. Im doing all the pre Injection checks posibble i.e, go for a shower, use alcohol wipes, heat the oil before injection, massage in afterwards etc, plus a really warm bath every night to try and disperse any crystallized test that could be causing pain, yet nothing works. I know there are probably plenty of you guys that think quit being a pussy and man the fuck up and your probably right but honestly, its a nightmare and worse still is my work has now started to notice that every 3-5 days my legs/ walking is getting fucked up, couple that with a bout of test flu this week aswell, it has not been a good week. lols.

So what Im asking Is, is there something im missing or doing wrong, my gf ( nurse ) does my pins and they go in that smooth sometimes that I don't even feel them. Or do you guys think its a bad test batch, like too much ba I mean? Or do you think pinning in the legs is just not for me and that I should use another site to inject? Need to try and get it sorted as currently I cant keep it going if it remains the way it is, cant work properly, cant play with my wee boy etc so help please.

Thanks guys for your responses in advance.
Never had or heard of test e pip in every injection.
Test e is smooth as butter.

Does the injecting site gets red and swollen ? If yes, I hope ur gear isn't fucked up.
Do you warm it up and does your girlfriend inject slow? My girlfriend is also a nurse and when she would helpe out and inject she does it fast cuz thats what sh is use too. I tell her its not medicine like the kind shes use to injecting. Also when I started this last cycle it was test e and I was having really bad pip but I think it was the muscle getting use to the gear again. I also went with 1.5" for glutes seems to get it in better with less pain quads are just too painful for me delts and glutes only.
Never had or heard of test e pip in every injection.
Test e is smooth as butter.

Does the injecting site gets red and swollen ? If yes, I hope ur gear isn't fucked up.

The Injection site does get red and a little swollen but doesn't stay swollen for long, although the redness does stay for days. I don't think the gear is fucked up like contaminated or anything but I did think It might be that theres a little too much ba in it.
Do you warm it up and does your girlfriend inject slow? My girlfriend is also a nurse and when she would helpe out and inject she does it fast cuz thats what sh is use too. I tell her its not medicine like the kind shes use to injecting. Also when I started this last cycle it was test e and I was having really bad pip but I think it was the muscle getting use to the gear again. I also went with 1.5" for glutes seems to get it in better with less pain quads are just too painful for me delts and glutes only.

Yeh I always warm up under the warm water matey and always also make sure she injects very slowly, I said to her roughly 10 seconds/ml. It definetly could be that its just my muscle getting used to it, its always worse in the quads than the glutes but after having the pain in my quads as bad I didn't really wanna try the delts in case I got some bad pip in there as then I would be fucked for workin, lols. Will maybe give a try though, I also only use 1.5" needles aswel matey. Iv got 3 bottles of pro chem pharma test e so was thinking about trying one of the other bottles to see if its maybe from a different batch, will try anything at this point, lols.
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Maybe try a 1", 25 ga in the delts. Push the oil slow and do it yourself. I have been using a 1.5", 23 ga for quads and it takes me at least 30 seconds to inject. When I do delts with the 1", 25ga it may take close to a minute.
Also, I don't dart it in. I place and slowly insert pin, asperate, then slowly inject and relax. What's the rush.
I have only done 6 pins so far, so maybe I am just lucky?
Dunno buddy..
Looks like you are doing everything right..warming the oil, hot pads .. Slow injecting.. Done by a prof nurse..
The only 2 things left are either virgin muscles, or fucked up gear unless other dude will Come with a 3rd reason .
Thanks guys. I think the gear is ok, as in its not fake or anything, well I hope not, lols. Think Im just gonna need to put it down to virgin muscles and change injection sites to somewhere less painful like suggested and give that a try, cant think of anything else. cheers for the info tho guys.