Some info please


New member
Hi hoping there are some other people in my age bracket (52) doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or some people a bit more familiar.

Some background: Im 6' 205. Gained 25 pounds over the last 6 months without any dietary changes. Family doctor upped my thyroid meds as the level was below normal. That failed to accomplish anything and in Feb he ran a Testosterone panel and found that mine was in the toilet (190). So he started me on Testim gel. I felt great for about 5 weeks and then everything went to hell. I started feeling just like i did before i was taking it.

I then went to a different doctor who dealt with HGH and he started me on HGH and sold me a vial of Test Cyp and said to do 100MG each week to start with. He also suggested Arimidex .25mg a week cause my E2 was at 51 at that point. He also suggested .25mg Clomid every 3 days. He also suggested that i run 200iu of HCG for a couple of weeks, and then stop for a couple. Rinse and repeat.

While i do believe this guy is far more progressive and learned in this area...i still dont fully believe he's on top of everything and just wanted some personal opinions.

I obviously have to be on this (the T) for the rest of my life and dont want uneccessary problems...especially with Prostate or Hair loss, Estrogen etc.

My PSA was 0.9 and E2 was 51 as i stated before i started the shots...which has been 4 weeks now. I am feeling ALOT better energy wise and sexual health wise...but wonder about all the ancillary drugs and their doses. It seems he's just guessing in this case. He has some good info on test 'cycles'...but I'm not cycling. So i guess my question is should i be using Clomid, Arimidex and HCG on and off while im taking test....and in what dose?

Any help would be appreciated!
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Hi Konateh

thx for the input. I say the thyroid did nothing because the weight gain came out of no where and stopped almost as quickly as it started....before the thyroid meds actually had any hope of doing anything. Been on Synthroid for over 20 years, and know when im out of whack.

I imagine the testosterone level was the problem all along. My main concern is the use of ancillary drugs continuously. most people cycle clomid, ari and others during a 12-16 week cycle. Im not cycling. I say the doc is 'guessing' because he didnt really seem all that sure about the doses of Arimidex and Clomid. Ive read alot in the past few weeks, and keep seeing conflicting info where HCG and Clomid are concerned. Most state HCG in a post cycle therapy (pct) situation...which im never gonna do. Same for Clomid.

Im not all that concerned about my prostate because 0.9 is extremely low for a PSA...especially using a gel product (at that time) that tends to aromatize far more than the shots do. I take herbs and vits for that...and have Proscar if needed but id rather not use it if i dont have to.

Mainly im just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat as i am, and what their regimen is when it comes to the dose of T and the ancillary drugs to control the Estrogen and DHT.
I am in the same boat - I was told NOT to cycle. My test was 167 and I was given ALL of theexact same stuff - aromidex, test cyp, clomid but ALSO winstrol and tols i had to do it forever.

I have the same concerns - too much stuff for too long.
I am in the same boat - I was told NOT to cycle. My test was 167 and I was given ALL of theexact same stuff - aromidex, test cyp, clomid but ALSO winstrol and tols i had to do it forever.

I have the same concerns - too much stuff for too long.

Winstrol huh? From what ive read thats used almost exclusively for cutting 'cycles' so why would your doc have you on that? Especially since its notorious for causing joint pain with extended use.

I was hoping to find some more info but so far im not getting anywhere.
I just want to make one thing clear here; self-learned bodybuilders do NOT know more about hormones, drugs and the endocrine system than doctors do. Doctors go through a 6 year long education just to get their license that includes _everything_ about how your body works etc. That is why they have an insight into future prognosis - different outcomes of different approaches, dosage, mechanisms of drugs interfering etc. etc.

You say that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be used for PCT and that you read this somewhere. Where exactly did you read it? In a 3 page long article written by some carpenter that does injections for a hobby?.. If you see the sentence "HCG is only for pct", you shouldn't be thinking "ah, ok since he says it and he has a sixpack, that must be correct". - You should be asking WHY... and if you don't have the insight and background knowledge needed to understand the physiological mechanisms of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), maybe you should just let your doctor do it for you..

Let me help you out. Doctors are idiots. Im not exactly sure where you have concluded that they have even the slightest comprehension of hormone replacement. With the exception of a handful of leading endo's and research people beating the doors down on hormone replacement...most of these doctors wouldnt know what Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was let alone Arimidex.

My own family doctor who prescribed Testim for me, was not aware that it converts far more rapidly that shots do. He also never ran an initial PSA and E2 panel when he first prescribed T. You call this knowledgable? No baseline starting points for 2 of the most important pieces of the hormone replacement puzzle. Just because im asking for opinions and info, doesnt mean i havent researched this. Ive been to 3 doctors and none of them have a clue what the hell their doing when it comes to accurately prescribing the correct dose of Testosterone, and the necessary components to keep someone healthy and avoid estrogen and DHT conversion.

Bobybuilders may not be the answer, but they are generally far more knowledgeable than many doctors are since they cycle through all these drugs and have learned the sides, as well as the benefits.

For your information...I've read thousands of articles on HGH, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Testosterone along with all the ancillary drugs necessary to keep everything functioning properly. All im basically doing here, is seeing if there is anyone who has been doing this awhile, and what results they have achieved.

I think you need to chill out dude. You take things way to personally...and to be honest...arent being helpful at all.
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