some questions about hgh and height


New member
i'm 18 years old so i think that my growth plates arent closed yet which means I can add a few inches to my height.
I was thinking about taking hgh and IGF-1LR3 by putting it under the tongue, what are the recomended doses?
if ill exercise during the few months Im on hgh and IGF-1LR3, will the effectiveness of these materials be "wasted" on the muscles or maybe the combination of both of them will just increase the results and improve my height? 'cuz i would be able to build up my body at any age i want, so right the height is more crucial for me.

please comment even if you dont know all the answers. if you have some tips that can help me to achieve my goal please share
Sorry for my bad English^^"
are you sure? cuz i know that hgh is given to very short teenagers, if theyre so short something is probably wrong with their natural producing of hgh. so if my body produce hgh normally, taking more hgh from external source should just improve the results, isnt?