Some second cycle advice please


New member
I recentlly ended my first cycle of testosterone enanthate at 600mg a week for 10 weeks. I start my SERM pct with Nolvadex here soon and as of now, I am still taking arimidex every other day at a low dose. I had a great experience so far, putting down truck loads of solid food and using a basic TM set up for training.

I am wondering what some of you have successfully used for a second cycle? Obviously, I plan on taking some time off from needles and getting back in the groove of training more conservatively. But I want to plan ahead for my second cycle. I'm thinking

Test e @ 600mg 1-12 weeks
Boldenone @ 400mg 1 - 12 weeks
PCT with nolva 15-18 weeks
using arimidex eod.

if you go with EQ your gonna want to run it atleast 15 weeks
Second cylce why not test and add an oral like dbol or tbol or even a test deca run
if you go with EQ your gonna want to run it atleast 15 weeks
Second cylce why not test and add an oral like dbol or tbol or even a test deca run

Well I read up on deca and have since discovered that it is common practice for some to substitute the deca durabolin for EQ. I also understand that it is a popular opinion that orals are typically harder on the renal system. Basically I am leaning towards EQ because it seems like sort of a deca jr of sorts. Also, I do not care to blow up and I managed to keep water weight to a minimum my first go around but still got the strength and a little noticeable size. I want that same goal set for my second cycle.

What do you guys think of boldenone all around? I hear mixed reviews. Seems like the conservative type folks in the strength camp love it but the bodybuilding frat boys (no offense) would rather clean their mirrors with it.

And 15 weeks is that because of the undecylenate ester? And is such a duration of time feasible for someone on only a 2nd cycle?

Haven't done enough research on dbol but I will get on that.
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whether someone likes EQ or not is completely personal, I love it but there are many factors you need to deal with when running EQ that you don't need to worry about with other compounds. EQ increases red blood cell count, high blood pressure, increase in hunger just to name a few. So you need to monitor blood levels closely, its is recommended to give blood before, during and after the cycle as well. Monitor your BP regularly, etc. Mind you these are good things to follow regardless of the compounds using but extremely important with EQ in my opinion.

As far as length your gonna want to go atleast 15 weeks as the full effects of eq really only happen between weeks 8-10.
is a 15 week cycle too long for a second cycle, not really as a normal test cycle would be 12 weeks and your just adding 3 weeks.
whether someone likes EQ or not is completely personal, I love it but there are many factors you need to deal with when running EQ that you don't need to worry about with other compounds. EQ increases red blood cell count, high blood pressure, increase in hunger just to name a few. So you need to monitor blood levels closely, its is recommended to give blood before, during and after the cycle as well. Monitor your BP regularly, etc. Mind you these are good things to follow regardless of the compounds using but extremely important with EQ in my opinion.

As far as length your gonna want to go atleast 15 weeks as the full effects of eq really only happen between weeks 8-10.
is a 15 week cycle too long for a second cycle, not really as a normal test cycle would be 12 weeks and your just adding 3 weeks.

Can I ask you what is it about boldenone that you love particularly? And this will sound extremely amateur, but when "stacking" compounds do you draw them up in one syringe for administration or take them separately? Also I know with enanthate I was good with 300mg 2x weekly. Now with the undecylenate ester, what kind of weekly administration do you recommend? And at what mg?
I would recommend 2 x 300 mgs of eq minimum per week.
I like it because of the hardness, fullness and vascularity I get from EQ and the increased appetite is a bonus as well. I am running it at the moment check my log
As a recap, I'm planning my test e/EQ cycle for sometime in November possibly early 2014. I plan to run:

500mg/week test e
300mg/week EQ
12 weeks
AI every other day
w/ standard nolvadex/clomid combo for PCT

My first cycle was
Test e 600mg/10 weeks

Does my plan for a second cycle look alright? And how long do people typically wait between cycles. Mind you my first cycle was test only 10 weeks and I am currently undergoing nolvadex PCT protocol.
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