Alright so here I am on day 15 of a Test Prop, Tren Ace, Winstrol Cycle...
My stats:
Age: 25
Height: 6
Weight: 190
BF: Less than 7%
Test Prop 75mg ED
Tren Ace 50mg ED
Winstrol 40 mg ED oral
Caber .5 mg every week
Aromasin 10 mg ed
HCG 250 IU twice weekly
I am currently on week 3 of a 8-10 week cycle depending how sides go, but to be honest I have no idea if I am truly getting the full effects of these compounds.
I feel no different than I really did on day 1, and in fact my lifts seem to be getting weaker.
After I work out around 1 p.m. I crash real hard after my workout, and I am tired the rest of the day.
My workouts are subpar and I do not see any noticeable strength gains whatsoever.
I have a few ideas and maybe someone could help me out...
Should I bump my tren intake to 75 mg ed?
Should I drop winstrol right now?
I am noticing a loss of hair everytime I wash my hair in the shower, so I feel as if the Winstrol is definitely giving me that side, or it could be the tren.
Some help would be greatly appreciated.
My stats:
Age: 25
Height: 6
Weight: 190
BF: Less than 7%
Test Prop 75mg ED
Tren Ace 50mg ED
Winstrol 40 mg ED oral
Caber .5 mg every week
Aromasin 10 mg ed
HCG 250 IU twice weekly
I am currently on week 3 of a 8-10 week cycle depending how sides go, but to be honest I have no idea if I am truly getting the full effects of these compounds.
I feel no different than I really did on day 1, and in fact my lifts seem to be getting weaker.
After I work out around 1 p.m. I crash real hard after my workout, and I am tired the rest of the day.
My workouts are subpar and I do not see any noticeable strength gains whatsoever.
I have a few ideas and maybe someone could help me out...
Should I bump my tren intake to 75 mg ed?
Should I drop winstrol right now?
I am noticing a loss of hair everytime I wash my hair in the shower, so I feel as if the Winstrol is definitely giving me that side, or it could be the tren.
Some help would be greatly appreciated.