Someone help my my Test P/Tren A/ Winny Cycle Lethargic feeling


New member
Alright so here I am on day 15 of a Test Prop, Tren Ace, Winstrol Cycle...

My stats:

Age: 25

Height: 6

Weight: 190

BF: Less than 7%


Test Prop 75mg ED

Tren Ace 50mg ED

Winstrol 40 mg ED oral

Caber .5 mg every week

Aromasin 10 mg ed

HCG 250 IU twice weekly

I am currently on week 3 of a 8-10 week cycle depending how sides go, but to be honest I have no idea if I am truly getting the full effects of these compounds.

I feel no different than I really did on day 1, and in fact my lifts seem to be getting weaker.

After I work out around 1 p.m. I crash real hard after my workout, and I am tired the rest of the day.

My workouts are subpar and I do not see any noticeable strength gains whatsoever.

I have a few ideas and maybe someone could help me out...

Should I bump my tren intake to 75 mg ed?

Should I drop winstrol right now?

I am noticing a loss of hair everytime I wash my hair in the shower, so I feel as if the Winstrol is definitely giving me that side, or it could be the tren.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.
First of if your gear is good2goo you will see changes in strength but dobt expect hercules strength . Your doaage is ok for your weight i think . Dont need to bump that up . Wait for 1-2 weeks than you see the power of tren . I am on my 11th week of tren and prop 100 mg each and i also did not felt instant increase in strength but over the weeks i normaly put more weights and that came almost like natural thing to do but i was not suprised by that you understand ? Sp dont expect that scene when radioactive spider bites you and you wake up all jacked and pumped :) .
Eat right and train hard leave the rest to tren .
Hope this helped . Sprey for my bad english bro i am european ;) .