Southern Research Ghrp 6


Smoke or get Smoked
I have an extremely high tdee due to a very fast metabolism and a labor intense job, so eating more and more has gotten difficult for me. I decided to try ghrp 6 from Southern Research just for appetite reasons, got my stuff quick and just did first pin post workout about 30 mins post, this is one of the times I find it hard to eat, I felt I guess I would call it lightheaded a little, got a feeling of just being hot and then boom it hit I devoured a massive plate of food then ate more, this shit works, im excited to have found something to get me past my hump and if it has other benefits well that's just a bonus. Just wanted to share my experience with my bros.
They have some of the best peptides/service/packaging I have ever used. Add mod grf to that and use both 3-4 times a day at 100mcg each