Speaking of D-bol.......................


I am banned!
How much does it aromatize as compared Test. I've had some laying around for a few months and have held off becuaause of the bloat you can get. How much more AI would be needed versus a Test only cycle to keep bloat away. I know "everyone" is different but I'm hoping to get a general idea how much to up an AI to keep me from looking like the stay puff man.

Or am I doomed to have to find out on my own.
Dbol aromatizes heavily , and because of it's very short half life (around 5 hours) it does so quickly ..

How much AI do you run on a blast of test? If it's .25 mg eod, , you may need to up AI to like .5mg m/w/fri
This is what I will be doing on my cycle, which consists of Dbol as well... Will get bloods done 4 weeks in to see where this puts me
I pretty much agree with Roush on this. My experience has it at about double that of testosterone, so keeping an eye on estradiol is a big one - especially if gyno prone.

My .02c :)
it differes person to person, like touch and halfwit said bloating comes quick, my second third day i feel heavier and i have to start ai at 0.5 eod to keep it as low as possible . I'm not gyro prone but i bloat wayyyyyyy too fast, sometimes i think its not normal lol

id say start with ai from day one and monitor ur weight and bp , i think u will find ur sweet spot on droll and ai combo.
i hop eu will take test also and this isn't a dboll only :P
Thanks for the info.

Fitguy dbol only is the only way to go.....:dance2:
