splitting 1mg arimidex into .25mg need help !


New member
hey guys dont know if anyone can help me with this issue. im on 100mg test cyp twice a week, i just started taking arimidex my tablets are 1mg and im having so much trouble tryin to cut them into .25mg, hell even cutting it in half it crumbles. i was gonna start taking .25mg twice a week after every shot but i couldnt split them into 4 they so tiny so i just took .5mg.

anyone have this problem ? how do u cut this little pills into 4 ? hell i even read some guys taking 0.125mg how the hell do you split it into 8 pieces xD ?

any input is greatly apreciated , thanks.
Get a pill cutter

Pill cutters will make a 1mg adex tablet crumble when you try to quarter it. They are so tiny to begin with. I can get halves ok, but when you go to cut again the thing will most likely crumble into 3 or 4 pieces. AT least that's what has happened in my experience.
Pill cutters will make a 1mg adex tablet crumble when you try to quarter it. They are so tiny to begin with. I can get halves ok, but when you go to cut again the thing will most likely crumble into 3 or 4 pieces. AT least that's what has happened in my experience.

I would just use the crumbles. I use to split letro pills like that, they are even smaller. I definitely see the issue though.

I have been trying to get the pharmacies to make smaller pills for 2 years.
yes ! lol i even get crumbles splitting it in half i already wasted 2, ill pick up a pill cutter for sure. thank god im not the only one having this problem hehe.
i think ill be using .5mg 1 day after my shot twice a week see how that goes. ill be monitoring my morning wood in case i go too low in e2
Buy a better pill cutter.

I had the same problem. I bought a better one and it works great. I got the generic one at Rite Aid and it is excellent for cutting anastrozole into 1/4
I've never had any issues just using a pill cutter. You just need to make sure it's "lined up" right before cutting, and be sure to cut with a quick motion. If you try an ease the blade through the pill it will be more likely to crumble.
I've been saying this for years... never understand why UGL's make them in 1mg doses when their target audience has different requirements.

I've resorted to taking them in 0.5mg doses and spread the intake out a bit more.

ie: on cruise dose - 0.5mg E4D - on blast - 0.5mg EOD
i got myself a pill cutter did half no problem but gettin quarters damn its hard, im goin to stick to .5mg every 3.5D.
I took my first half mg yesterday today I woke up with headache, kinda sluggish and it's 2:30 pm and I haven't felt my dick all day .
Did I over do it?
Damn imma try to eat .25mg next time I think 1 dose of .5mg killed my libido or maybe I'm just having a blue day.
Burning nipples are gone tho.
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