Splitting my arimidex capsule


New member
Hello. My arimidex comes in capsules of 1mg. I wanna split this in two as I take 0.5mg every 3rd day.
Is it fine to open the capsule and put half of the arimidex powder in water and just drink it?
Not sure but to be safe id rather just put it in my mouth and swallow...... Ok that didnt sound right...... I would just be worried of it losing concentration or tiny bits staying behind in the cup i always chew my oral tabs then floss my teeth and suck on the string to make sure every tiny soec gets injested
Not sure but to be safe id rather just put it in my mouth and swallow...... Ok that didnt sound right...... I would just be worried of it losing concentration or tiny bits staying behind in the cup i always chew my oral tabs then floss my teeth and suck on the string to make sure every tiny soec gets injested

sorry 49 but this whole post does not sound right lol
It should work if u can seperate the powder even. Being in a capsule there would be no binders like a tab. So u could even buy a cheap digital scale weigh the powder then divide by two. A lot of work but it would work.
Thankyou. Yes I know its not 100% even but now some days before I get a digital scale I hope its ok to trust my eye measurements.

I have another question, maybe some of you can give tips: Im currently doing testosterone suspension 36mg every day (18mg morning 18mg evening) which is about 252mg testosterone a week, Im planning to do so for 2-3 months.

Is my arimidex dosing of 0.5mg every 3rd day fine you think, or should I add more/do less?
Thankyou. Yes I know its not 100% even but now some days before I get a digital scale I hope its ok to trust my eye measurements.

I have another question, maybe some of you can give tips: Im currently doing testosterone suspension 36mg every day (18mg morning 18mg evening) which is about 252mg testosterone a week, Im planning to do so for 2-3 months.

Is my arimidex dosing of 0.5mg every 3rd day fine you think, or should I add more/do less?

I have to ask why test suspension why not prop ESP at such a low dose?
id split into and go with .25mg eod, unless more is needed. just put powder in mouth then wash down with water. or use RUI next time and you can dose it with more ease.