Sponsoring LabRats, free peptides by Labpe

V- I would LOVE to run that Folli for you. So i am posting here to officially enter as told.. I am 31 years old, 5' 10" 223lbs at the moment..I've been BB since i was 20, Ive been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for 5 years but I am currently on a blast of a pretty heffty cycle in some eyes.
I ran folli from a diffrent source a few months ago and loved it, let me run this one and i'll log it how ever you see fit..thanks bro

Thanks for entering bro. I'm just looking for honest logs. Wait for my announcement on tues:)
That folli sure is controversial. There have been a lot of problems surrounding that compound.

The biggest problem is whether there is any real folli available out there.
That folli sure is controversial. There have been a lot of problems surrounding that compound.

The biggest problem is whether there is any real folli available out there.

And I agree with that there's a lot of controversy surrounding the folli.

All the more reason to try it when we're offering it for free for a sponsored log.
I'm closing the entries now. Thank you everybody for entering, it looks like we have some good candidates. I will announce who is chosen sometime tomorrow.