Start from the bottom or jump right in ? wanna do it right this time around.


New member
Its been almost ten years since i last ran a cycle. i wouldn't say im an expert or even knew what i was doing back then i was just i guy in this mid 20's looking to bulk up. I did bulk up but i didn't keep to much of my gains over the years.

cycle 1: 8 weeks
test c
PCT - none

cycle 2: 12 weeks
test e
PCT -nolva

Im planning to start a cycle end of august and am wondering if i should start from the bottom and just run a test e cycle or go ahead and jump back in with a test e, deca and dbol cycle as i didnt real have any bad sides other then some acne last time around.

253 lbs
bf % ? (chubby) currently on day 27 of 40 on Dr. Simeons Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet. (started at 279 lbs) goal is to hit 230 before i start my cycle.

would it be better for me to maybe do a cutting cycle first, help get my bf% down even more? any advice will be welcomed.
i just want to do this right and keep on doing it till im where i want to be.

I'm planning on using MediStar products and will be keeping a week to week journal on this forum of my progress and hope the great members here will be able to help me with diet and pct info so i can max my gains this time around.
I'm picking up a bench and set of Bowflex 1090's today so i can get the max out of my workouts out side the gym as well.
i understand that time under tension is the best way to build mass so i plan on doing my regular workouts in the gym but also add some extra session at home on some key areas.
This is a tough one, at least for me. I'll get the ball rolling, but hopefully you'll get a few more opinions.

I think you should get the weight down, but if you want to bulk up, you're going to need to eat enough to support that growth, so you'll be in a calorie surplus, and gain weight. Doing a 40 day hard core diet, then turning around and doing a bulking diet a few weeks later just doesn't sound like a good idea. Honestly, I think I would finish the Simeons protocol, then just go with a good reduced calorie diet for a while and put off cycling for now. Check the diet section here or get in tough with 3J, I haven't used him (and it shows) but I hear great things about his service. Are you just getting back into the gym or have you been working out steady for a while?
I was wondering if doing the diet was a good idea as i knew i wanted to bulk but i figured it would be better to drop some weight first.

I think ill finish this diet out and start weight training again and put the cycle off for a little while.

I haven't been weight training regularly for the past year and some now.

Still need to know if its ok to jump back in when i do or start as a noob again.
As i plan to run a couple cycle over the next year.

If you were OK with those compounds before, I doubt you'd have trouble now. I'm running Test and NPP at the moment and loving it. I'm going to stop short of recommending you do it, but if it were me, I would jump in with both feet and go for it, but I would wait until I'd been training steady for at least a year and have a good natty base to build on.
ok, so without sounding like an echo then...

I would continue to cut until your BF was down to an acceptable level. As soon as you start to bulk your going to add fat - it cant be helped. It would be silly to add more fat ontop of an already high BF%... especially when you consider some of the side effects of PEDS.

In terms of cycles I would opt for a straight forward test cycle which was kickstarted with DBOL. I WOULD do a post cycle therapy (pct). If your training hard, you may very well add some lean mass, but the test will provide you with the extra strength you need, and help keep you focussed.

In terms of diet... I would definately get 3J to write you one :)

IF.... after the cycle your still looking to keep training, and youve refreshed your PEDS knowledge, I would possible consider running a low does of Test for a few weeks, then starting a second cycle (to bulk). I would word this as bridging two cycles opposed to blasting and cruising.