New member
My question is this. I started the cycle with EQ 200mg and blend 400. The blend is 100mg of test E per CC and 150mg of tren E per CC. The question is, I frontloaded the EQ since I heard doing so will get it up to stable blood level by week 2.
Since I'm pinning twice a week 400mg total per week of EQ I front loaded 900mg. Is that correct?
These 3 compounds will go from 1-5 weeks then switching to test prop/tren ace for 7 to end of cycle. Have nolvadex on hand just incase. Post will be clomid. Thinking of bridging with anavar. May thrown in winny or masteron towards end of cycle for final RIP
Since I'm pinning twice a week 400mg total per week of EQ I front loaded 900mg. Is that correct?
These 3 compounds will go from 1-5 weeks then switching to test prop/tren ace for 7 to end of cycle. Have nolvadex on hand just incase. Post will be clomid. Thinking of bridging with anavar. May thrown in winny or masteron towards end of cycle for final RIP