Started cycle today. EQ And blend 400


New member
My question is this. I started the cycle with EQ 200mg and blend 400. The blend is 100mg of test E per CC and 150mg of tren E per CC. The question is, I frontloaded the EQ since I heard doing so will get it up to stable blood level by week 2.

Since I'm pinning twice a week 400mg total per week of EQ I front loaded 900mg. Is that correct?

These 3 compounds will go from 1-5 weeks then switching to test prop/tren ace for 7 to end of cycle. Have nolvadex on hand just incase. Post will be clomid. Thinking of bridging with anavar. May thrown in winny or masteron towards end of cycle for final RIP
Seems to be a trend lately of people posting weird cycles that are just not right at all.. Frontloading eq will not get your levels up by week 2. Eq has a very long ester. Takes maybe 8 weeks to kick in. Most run for 16 weeks if they do. I'm confused about your 400 blend. I'm also confused and I think you are too on why you are starting your cycle with long esters and switching 5 weeks in to short esters? Why not just run the short esters? Why do you have nolva on hand? It belongs in pct. What you should have is an ai and use it from day one up to pct. Your missing a lot of fundamental things to be trying a cycle like this. I suggest read the ology faq's thread and educate yourself on what your not about to do correctly...
Seems to be a trend lately of people posting weird cycles that are just not right at all.. Frontloading eq will not get your levels up by week 2. Eq has a very long ester. Takes maybe 8 weeks to kick in. Most run for 16 weeks if they do. I'm confused about your 400 blend. I'm also confused and I think you are too on why you are starting your cycle with long esters and switching 5 weeks in to short esters? Why not just run the short esters? Why do you have nolva on hand? It belongs in pct. What you should have is an ai and use it from day one up to pct. Your missing a lot of fundamental things to be trying a cycle like this. I suggest read the ology faq's thread and educate yourself on what your not about to do correctly...

This ^^^^ all the way. Your proposed cycle is shit. I doesn't make sense and where is your AI. And if you think you keep an Ai on HAND. So if you have problems you'll kick it in. You don't do fire protection , you just wait for the fire and attempt to put it out. Do you know the sides of HIGH and LOW E2.

WTF are you going to do with Winstrol do you know what it is used for. No IT does not cut you up. Damn it's diet. You are not a pro getting ready for a year run into a contest. All this switching, WTF do you think it is going to do that you don't do with training and DIET. Back to the drawing board and get educated Before you do anything.

OH you want help on a cycle WTF are your Stats, how do we know what to do with you body. .
Stats Age, ht ,wt, years training BF% goals for this cycle and after . Have you read the steroid profiles. O'logy facts.
Your Stats please
I can't top the advice given, but in the spirit of SCIENCE - can you please keep posting updates on your progress as this cycle moves forward?

I just want to see how your posting style changes when you realize what a mistake you've made. It should happen in about five weeks or so. For posterity's sake of course, and to help us learn from your impending experience. :)

Yes, I'm totally serious. :bigok:
I can't top the advice given, but in the spirit of SCIENCE - can you please keep posting updates on your progress as this cycle moves forward?

I just want to see how your posting style changes when you realize what a mistake you've made. It should happen in about five weeks or so. For posterity's sake of course, and to help us learn from your impending experience. :)

Yes, I'm totally serious. :bigok:

This ^^^. Ya know I reread my post and I was a bit rude. But I get tire of some of you guys starting cycles and then coming for advice. So just be ware of what all was said here. I don't want to run you off this is not our intent. Listen read up. Good Luck sorry for my tone.
Firstly it's obvious it was a typo on the blend. I meant 250, not 150. That then would equal the 400 in the blend. I've read all over forums in my research that front loading EQ is the way to go and in that way could be used early on in a cycle. From what I understand because of the long ester it will stay in your system long after you are done the cycle of you were to run it throughout delaying pct. I have nolva should I start feeling signs of Gyno I also have liquid arimidex. I have hcg on hand that I'm going to run as well throughout cycle. I'm no newbie. There are many different "schools" of thought on EQ. My question which didn't get answered was of I did the math right Witt the front load. I've never had sides issues while on or off cycle and I've used the gambit including teen before. So I think I know a bit.

Seems to be a trend lately of people posting weird cycles that are just not right at all.. Frontloading eq will not get your levels up by week 2. Eq has a very long ester. Takes maybe 8 weeks to kick in. Most run for 16 weeks if they do. I'm confused about your 400 blend. I'm also confused and I think you are too on why you are starting your cycle with long esters and switching 5 weeks in to short esters? Why not just run the short esters? Why do you have nolva on hand? It belongs in pct. What you should have is an ai and use it from day one up to pct. Your missing a lot of fundamental things to be trying a cycle like this. I suggest read the ology faq's thread and educate yourself on what your not about to do correctly...
I'll post stats and everything I have on hand for during and post cycle. I left things out because my question is more to do with asking if the front load amount on EQ is correct. I know its all about diet. I meant the drying out helps with the cut physique but I think I may run and at or masteron instead of winny. Your cursing shows you may have some Roid rage. I would check that

This ^^^^ all the way. Your proposed cycle is shit. I doesn't make sense and where is your AI. And if you think you keep an Ai on HAND. So if you have problems you'll kick it in. You don't do fire protection , you just wait for the fire and attempt to put it out. Do you know the sides of HIGH and LOW E2.

WTF are you going to do with Winstrol do you know what it is used for. No IT does not cut you up. Damn it's diet. You are not a pro getting ready for a year run into a contest. All this switching, WTF do you think it is going to do that you don't do with training and DIET. Back to the drawing board and get educated Before you do anything.

OH you want help on a cycle WTF are your Stats, how do we know what to do with you body. .
I'll read up and I'm continuing to read up and learn. It's not like I'm a professional body builder that can share "notes" with others. Also, it's underground, remember guys? So I can't just take a course or a class in the gym on the proper way to run all this. Dealers may supply and give some advice but it seems I'm needing to fill in the blanks. I appreciate you catching yourself on the condo ending tone. To wish me I'll is not why I came to the forum. I'll be posting stats and all fear I have later today.

This ^^^. Ya know I reread my post and I was a bit rude. But I get tire of some of you guys starting cycles and then coming for advice. So just be ware of what all was said here. I don't want to run you off this is not our intent. Listen read up. Good Luck sorry for my tone.
So what you're saying is that it's not a good cycle to run but rub it anyway and keep you posted on all the Caro that comes with it? So you can learn from my "impending" experience. Looks like someone loves to see people fail/fall and in pain. Thought the forum was for advise that for halfwits looking to blood sport.

I can't top the advice given, but in the spirit of SCIENCE - can you please keep posting updates on your progress as this cycle moves forward?

I just want to see how your posting style changes when you realize what a mistake you've made. It should happen in about five weeks or so. For posterity's sake of course, and to help us learn from your impending experience. :)

Yes, I'm totally serious. :bigok:
I'm wondering what the forum is for if not, mainly for advise. Is it to share physique photos? To network? Hookup? Lol anyway, I appreciate you catching yourself. I don't scare off easily. My intention is to learn and become an "oldmuscle" guy myself one day :)

This ^^^. Ya know I reread my post and I was a bit rude. But I get tire of some of you guys starting cycles and then coming for advice. So just be ware of what all was said here. I don't want to run you off this is not our intent. Listen read up. Good Luck sorry for my tone.
Frontloading especially eq doesn't work like that. If you want things to kick in faster, use short esters. Everyone pretty much advised you on your cycle being a bad choice. Nobody recommended running it...
I've gotten contradicting info to what you're saying on other forums and on other sites regarding EQ and front loading. However I do have test prop and tren Ace along with anavar and winny so I'm think I'll be running that instead. I have all of the on cycle and post cycle needs as well.

My stats are 5'6 160lb just turned 39 this week. 12% body fat

(not a big guy) it's why I shy from bulking cycles. Want to help my workouts and in getting lean mass built that can stick around. This will be My 3rd cycle

Frontloading especially eq doesn't work like that. If you want things to kick in faster, use short esters. Everyone pretty much advised you on your cycle being a bad choice. Nobody recommended running it...
Wow I know I offended you and I was quite rude. So I apologized. I am not on a cycle my friend. I'm a phsycho. Not really but I have a borderline personality psychoses. Listen I really was tired last night and tired of bro-science.

Our work here (hobby) is to help and so I did give you some good advice as did the other vets. Take the good points out of my post and leave the resentment behind . Do more research and ask more questions to put together what you learn. I'm old and grouchy :wavey:
I've gotten contradicting info to what you're saying on other forums and on other sites regarding EQ and front loading. However I do have test prop and tren Ace along with anavar and winny so I'm think I'll be running that instead. I have all of the on cycle and post cycle needs as well.

My stats are 5'6 160lb just turned 39 this week. 12% body fat

(not a big guy) it's why I shy from bulking cycles. Want to help my workouts and in getting lean mass built that can stick around. This will be My 3rd cycle

Ok even if what your saying about frontloading is true, it wouldn't happen in two weeks time otherwise everybody would be frontloading. Your not a young puppy. I'm kinda taken back at your resistance about it. I'm sure other boards talk about frontloading. They probably also talk about other ridiculous practices as well. I'm on other boards as well. I'll tell you that you'll get better advice here. Nobody is pushing gear or snake oil for profit. You would be better to stick with short esters if you want a fast kick in time...
OP, in your extensive research into your proposed cycle, you've undoubtedly came across the need to shed unwanted copious amounts of red blood cells that come as an effect of using EQ in a cycle. ALL aas does this to a point but EQ is the king of raising hemotocrit to dangerous levels fairly quickly. Do be diligent in getting peroidic blood work done. And go give blood every 6 weeks of your cycle,

If I were you I'd simplify your cycle a lot. no more than 2 compounds, one being testosterone. The other one not trenbolone.
So what you're saying is that it's not a good cycle to run but rub it anyway and keep you posted on all the Caro that comes with it? So you can learn from my "impending" experience. Looks like someone loves to see people fail/fall and in pain. Thought the forum was for advise that for halfwits looking to blood sport.

I already know based on your demeanor that it does not matter what is said; you will run this shit-show of a cycle when we both know you're NOT READY or nearly educated enough to even think about this.

You state that there isn't a "school" for this, just where the fuck do you think you are? Class is in session, and I'm flunking your ass for not reading the assignments beforehand. (FAQ that says READ ME)

So yes, I'm a big meanie that wants to get off on your pain because you're another child that has absolutely no business playing with hormones whatsoever. I just wanted to help others by allowing them to see the absolute mess you're about to become.

You will see. It has nothing to do with me spoon feeding you and wiping your butt later either, it has to do with WANTING to listen and learn.