starting 2nd cycle soon; need input


New member
So I am starting my second cycle in about 2-3 weeks. Last cycle I ran was about a year and a half ago. I'm 22, 5'11", about 170lbs and stay consistently around 7-9% bf. First cycle went perfectly as I had hoped, but lost about half of my gains due to work and sports in the next 2 months to follow. I ran a straight test cyp (250mg) cycle at 1cc a week from weeks 1-6, then increased to 1.5 cc's a week for the remaining 6 weeks.
My next cycle I would like to increase that dose by a safe and reasonable amount to optimize gains. I would also like to have more of a stack this time, which is where my main question is: what should I stack with? I see such a variance of stacks on this forum that I'm even more confused as to what I should stack with.
tbol vs dbol? (difference/ preference?) I've heard tbol referred to as dbol without the bloating, any opinions on that?
AI? (too young?)

Thanks ahead of time
At 5'11 / 170lbs you can pretty easily add 10-20lbs of muscle without another cycle...the fact you lost "half your gains" from the first one tells me your nutrition and training leave something to be desired.

In the end you can (and obviously will) do whatever you want but I would highly recommend sorting out the aforementioned before messing around with hormones again.
My nutrition is fine, i've been in physique competitions in the past and trained for them natural, so I know the nutrition side of it all. I was exaggerating when I said half, my strength barely went down, but my muscle mass decreased due to playing college soccer (i.e. a lot of running), but I just shredded up. And another reason I lost some gains was from lack of eating because of my financial issue at the time. During cycle everything was on point and worked perfect. The aftermath is where my sporatic lifestyle imposed on my goals.
did you think started a second thread about the same thing would bring different results???

do some research..... you've already been told youre too young and too uneducated to run a cycle.. man up
starting a second thread? I don't recall ever doing this..

I have done research. I don't believe I'm too young as for a lot of the other threads I read are from guys of the same age as me or younger. And I don't believe that I'm uneducated. I simply had a question as to what people's opinions or preferences/experiences were about stacks.

So if anyone is actually here to help me...I'd appreciate it.
starting a second thread? I don't recall ever doing this..

I have done research. I don't believe I'm too young as for a lot of the other threads I read are from guys of the same age as me or younger. And I don't believe that I'm uneducated. I simply had a question as to what people's opinions or preferences/experiences were about stacks.

So if anyone is actually here to help me...I'd appreciate it.

yes, looks like i mixed you up with someone else!! my apologizes!!

but the same advice i gave that kid i would give to you... youre not ready for gear.. the guys have been on point here
I'm going to disagree respectively. I have already done a 12 week cycle of test cyp. Great results, no sides, no problems, I did it right and safe. Where is it do you see that I'm "not ready for gear"? Is it solely based on my age? I don't see how you think I'm not ready if I've already successfully done it...
You did a very shitty first cycle. You pinned 1cc for the first half then 1.5cc's the second half. Did u take an ai? Did u do a pct? Hcg? Bloodwork? You really havent done a proper first cycle yet to be thinking about stacking this and that. What's the point of doing another cycle if your not going to eat right and half ass it afterwards???
yes i did Chlomid for pct. no ai or bloodwork. And it's not that I'm not going to eat right or half ass it afterwards; my life kind of took a turn where I was making about 50 bucks a week and I was doing a lot of running for soccer every day. Hense not being able to afford the quality or quantity food that I needed, and practicing for 3 hours every day until 6 p.m left me with no energy for a good workout. So I made due with the cards that were given to me. Like I said, that was almost 2 years ago; I am graduated and not playing soccer anymore and have a stable income so everything will be in order. If you guys would like to continue and bash me for a shitty first cycle I did 2 years ago then go for it...I was looking and hoping for someone who is actually on this site to help and advise people when they have questions. If this forum isn't the place for advice, education, and input/opinions then I guess I was wrong. Thanks anyway
I'm going to disagree respectively. I have already done a 12 week cycle of test cyp. Great results, no sides, no problems, I did it right and safe. Where is it do you see that I'm "not ready for gear"? Is it solely based on my age? I don't see how you think I'm not ready if I've already successfully done it...

brother.. you came here for advice.. we gave you the right advice.. u think because you did a cycle at 21 youre ok to do it at 22?? in this situation two negatives do not make a positive lol..

its your body, you only get one.. educate yourself on what you are doing to it
yes i did Chlomid for pct. no ai or bloodwork. And it's not that I'm not going to eat right or half ass it afterwards; my life kind of took a turn where I was making about 50 bucks a week and I was doing a lot of running for soccer every day. Hense not being able to afford the quality or quantity food that I needed, and practicing for 3 hours every day until 6 p.m left me with no energy for a good workout. So I made due with the cards that were given to me. Like I said, that was almost 2 years ago; I am graduated and not playing soccer anymore and have a stable income so everything will be in order. If you guys would like to continue and bash me for a shitty first cycle I did 2 years ago then go for it...I was looking and hoping for someone who is actually on this site to help and advise people when they have questions. If this forum isn't the place for advice, education, and input/opinions then I guess I was wrong. Thanks anyway

Buddy, I remember when I was in high school playing football. A lot of my teammates were doing steroids at a such young ages.. now that's what I call not being ready. You seem like a responsible individual at 22 yrs. old. Look you are new here just like me. Keep reading and you'll find all your answers. First of all the first cycle you did it was not good. You normally want to stack two to three steroid at a time to get better results and of course follow it a solid nutrition and workout program.
Also don't forget PCT. I don't think your too young, but this is my opinion. Good luck buddy.
Buddy, I remember when I was in high school playing football. A lot of my teammates were doing steroids at a such young ages.. now that's what I call not being ready. You seem like a responsible individual at 22 yrs. old. Look you are new here just like me. Keep reading and you'll find all your answers. First of all the first cycle you did it was not good. You normally want to stack two to three steroid at a time to get better results and of course follow it a solid nutrition and workout program.
Also don't forget PCT. I don't think your too young, but this is my opinion. Good luck buddy.

This is bad advice too! You do not want to stack a bunch of shit together for a first cycle. Terrible advice. You have a lot to learn too. Diet is 80%. If your not making gains naturally, you'll probably lose whatever you gain off a cycle. Gotta learn how to eat, sleep and train first...
Yea but it wasn't done correctly. I'm doing a 500mg test cycle now and I ain't no puppy!

cool, so you are doing 500mg of test per week??

tbonexl you seem to have good experience with Androgens.
I would like you input.
Would you say that this is a good bulking stack or too much? thanks.
Test E--- 500mg per week
Deca---- 500mg per week
EQ ------500mg per week
cool, so you are doing 500mg of test per week??

tbonexl you seem to have good experience with Androgens.
I would like you input.
Would you say that this is a good bulking stack or too much? thanks.
Test E--- 500mg per week
Deca---- 500mg per week
EQ ------500mg per week

plese start your own thread.. we dont look kindly on thread hijacking