New member
Bf unsure
Lifting since high school serious lifting the last 3 years
I am still in a natural cutting phase for the next 2 months my goal is to get to 220 before I start my cycle in February I don't know if I should use tren with test e and deca or if I should do dbol I'm planning on running 16 weeks first 8 to bulk second 8 to lean out
Week 1-16 500mg test e
Week 1-14 400mg deca
And either dbol weeks 1-6 starting at 10mg and going up 10mg every 2 weeks
Or tren starting at 75mg and jumping to 150 weeks 3-6
For the cutting
Masteron weeks 9-16 400mg
And if I don't do dbol I am going to add winstrol tabs
PCT I have clomid and nolvadex and am going to pick up aromidex
I have been reading forums on this site for years but first time posting
Any help is greatly appreciated
Bf unsure
Lifting since high school serious lifting the last 3 years
I am still in a natural cutting phase for the next 2 months my goal is to get to 220 before I start my cycle in February I don't know if I should use tren with test e and deca or if I should do dbol I'm planning on running 16 weeks first 8 to bulk second 8 to lean out
Week 1-16 500mg test e
Week 1-14 400mg deca
And either dbol weeks 1-6 starting at 10mg and going up 10mg every 2 weeks
Or tren starting at 75mg and jumping to 150 weeks 3-6
For the cutting
Masteron weeks 9-16 400mg
And if I don't do dbol I am going to add winstrol tabs
PCT I have clomid and nolvadex and am going to pick up aromidex
I have been reading forums on this site for years but first time posting
Any help is greatly appreciated