Starting 3rd cycle in February how does it look


New member
Bf unsure
Lifting since high school serious lifting the last 3 years

I am still in a natural cutting phase for the next 2 months my goal is to get to 220 before I start my cycle in February I don't know if I should use tren with test e and deca or if I should do dbol I'm planning on running 16 weeks first 8 to bulk second 8 to lean out

Week 1-16 500mg test e
Week 1-14 400mg deca
And either dbol weeks 1-6 starting at 10mg and going up 10mg every 2 weeks
Or tren starting at 75mg and jumping to 150 weeks 3-6

For the cutting
Masteron weeks 9-16 400mg
And if I don't do dbol I am going to add winstrol tabs

PCT I have clomid and nolvadex and am going to pick up aromidex

I have been reading forums on this site for years but first time posting
Any help is greatly appreciated
i'm planning to do a similar bulking cycle with test, deca and dbol. Was wondering if you were planning to use HCG and also if prami would be on hand
i wouldnt run tren and deca together imo both are 19nors, you have nothing to deal with the prolactin youll need caber or prami on hand for this, i seriously advice you add HCG to your cycle.
You dont bulk and cult on the same cycle you can harden up at the end if you like etc.
if your running dbol you need some protection for your liver, blood pressure etc id reccomend you add n2guard, youll need this for the winstrol aswell as its very harsh on the liver buddy.
Yeah I have liv 52 and lipid care I will have hcg and I am gonna drop the tren I'm not starting till February so I think I might change and try a lean bulk and harden up at the end like you said probably gonna drop the winstrol