Starting 4th cycle, Please review


New member
Guys -

Starting my 4th cycle in Jan or Feb, below is what I'm thinking. Also, here are my stats:
37yrs old
12% bf
Goal- lean muscle increase of 5-10 lbs
T300, weeks 1-20, 2x300mgs per week
Deca, weeks 1-20, 2x200mgs per week
Mast E, weeks 11-20, 2x200mgs per week
Nolva/Clomid, week 22-25
Armidex, EOD
I'm currently in month 4 of a 6 month regimen for Accutane, so I plan to use no orals for this cycle. Typically, I would use Dbol as a kickstart or Var towards the back of the cycle.

If you guys could give me your feedback, I'd appreciate it.
Guys -

Starting my 4th cycle in Jan or Feb, below is what I'm thinking. Also, here are my stats:
37yrs old
12% bf
Goal- lean muscle increase of 5-10 lbs
T300, weeks 1-20, 2x300mgs per week
Deca, weeks 1-20, 2x200mgs per week
Mast E, weeks 11-20, 2x200mgs per week
Nolva/Clomid, week 22-25
Armidex, EOD
I'm currently in month 4 of a 6 month regimen for Accutane, so I plan to use no orals for this cycle. Typically, I would use Dbol as a kickstart or Var towards the back of the cycle.

If you guys could give me your feedback, I'd appreciate it.

Did you have bloodwork done in your previous 3 cycles?
what dosage of accutane? I ran bloods while on acc,and dbol,drol last spring and I was good.. Im not suggesting anything here, just wondering.. I was only on 10mgs ED..

why not drop the mast and toss in some tren ace? do you like tren?
Guys -

Starting my 4th cycle in Jan or Feb, below is what I'm thinking. Also, here are my stats:
37yrs old
12% bf
Goal- lean muscle increase of 5-10 lbs
T300, weeks 1-20, 2x300mgs per week
Deca, weeks 1-20, 2x200mgs per week
Mast E, weeks 11-20, 2x200mgs per week
Nolva/Clomid, week 22-25
Armidex, EOD
I'm currently in month 4 of a 6 month regimen for Accutane, so I plan to use no orals for this cycle. Typically, I would use Dbol as a kickstart or Var towards the back of the cycle.

If you guys could give me your feedback, I'd appreciate it.

If you are running a 20 week cycle, which is a hell of a long cycle, drop the deca at week 16. You will taper because of the long half life. Every thing else looks good if you are on trt already, if not , where is the hcg?

20 weeks to get 5-10 lbs? With mast and test, you could do that easily in 8 weeks.
@vision- finishing up month 4, two months left. The dr currently has me at 120mgs, I started at 30 mgs in the first month. I've never tried Tren A, but would love to in a low dosage to feel it out. My travel schedule makes it tough for the short esters and the needed 3-4 pins a week.

@luckypaul-good catch on the deca, I missed that. On HCG, I've never used it. Any suggestion on dosage, frequency and administration? Can I mix it with the oils?
Deca has a halflife only slightly longer than the test, I'd do:
deca 19 weeks (dropped one week early to ensure it's out by PCT
test 20 weeks
AI 22.5 weeks
PCT at week 23

test has a 2 week half life, PCTing after 2 weeks will mean you have roughly half the test still in your your dose, that's 300mg which is easily enough to overpower PCT and waste a week of clomid + nolva.

note: I find mast at 400mg a week a waste, I'd start at 600mg.
20 weeks is a long time to run deca,, unless your running it for joint support, which at 400 mg a week your prob doing more then that.. I'd drop it to 14 weeks, but front load it with NPP for the first six weeks,, that way you'll get a full 14 weeks of Nandrolone (being deca ester takes so long to kick in).

Why only 9 weeks of Masteron at the tail end? With its non-aromatizing anti-estrogen and synergetic properties you could benefit from running it for the entire cycle.
@roush- I was going to treat it like I do Var, but run it for a bit longer. No problems w running it the whole time.

Bumping the thread back up for any other comments
Seems a decent honest cycle that should reap good rewards....
Adjust the Deca finish point for PCT purposes, and definitely add in HCG from the start @ 250iu x2 per week - it's a long cycle, you'll need it.

I can see the reasoning for adding in the Mast towards the end - it's an expensive compound and running it for 20 weeks would be costly, I think you're doing the right thing, and I personally like having the flexibility to tweak a cycle at the mid-point, especially if it's a lengthy cycle.

I think you've taken a pessimistic view of potential gains here with 5-10lbs, if you're diet is appropriate for your goals, you should see more action on the scales and the tape measure than that.

Good luck
Some people do mix HCG with their Test, I personally keep mine separate, I find it easier to measure the HCG doses when they're separate.

I really don't mind a tiny SubQ injection with a slin pin anyway - I don't feel a thing.

Personal choice mate