Starting A Cycle, Need Some Opinions


New member
Hey guys, so i was planning on starting a cycle this weekend i have some left over stuff from a previous cycle but haven't been in the game for about a year now and forgot most of what i learned on here about the cycle dosages. so i am going to lay out a cycle and let me know if theres anything wrong with it. Also just to add i do have very mild pre existing gyno lumps from previous cycle. They aren't noticeable really but i don't want them to grow.

i can only run a 6 week cycle at this point before i fly back out west for work so here were my thoughts.

week 1 - 6 600mg test cyp
week 1 - 6 40mg Dbol ED
week 1 - 8 AI (not to sure about what i should take or dose for this given my current gyno)

week 6 - 10 40/40/20/20mg ED Nolvadex

i believe the above here to be fine but my question would be that i have some letro and som adex which one should i use ? and at what doses? Now i also have Tren Ace.. never used tren before. do you think it would be wise to toss this in the cycle or should i just leave it out ?? heard it can be quite risky. if i did put it in what should i dose it at?
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^^^ this

You need more gear.. It's not worth shutting yourself down for a measly 6 week run,, you'll get nothing out of what you proposed.

And a couple of pointers for you:
- go get some raloxifene and clear up the Gyno before you start
- you don't start your pct at the same time as your last injection, wait 2 weeks..
It should look like this-
Weeks 1-12 test c
Weeks 1-14 AI (Adex .25 eod or aromisin 12.5 ed)
Weeks 14-18 pct
- you should run hcg the duration of your cycle
^^^ this

You need more gear.. It's not worth shutting yourself down for a measly 6 week run,, you'll get nothing out of what you proposed.

And a couple of pointers for you:
- go get some raloxifene and clear up the Gyno before you start
- you don't start your pct at the same time as your last injection, wait 2 weeks..
It should look like this-
Weeks 1-12 test c
Weeks 1-14 AI (Adex .25 eod or aromisin 12.5 ed)
Weeks 14-18 pct
- you should run hcg the duration of your cycle
I agree with roush ^^^ and tbonexl you need to study-up a little more
He is 180+ pounds
23 years old
Has been training for over 4 years
He's done one previous cycle that was a test cyp only cycle back in 2013
This is what he looked like at the start of that cycle
View attachment 560373


how the hell do you know??lol.. he posted it somewhere else??

cycle is weak.. too short.. weak pct.. the guys will lead you the right way here..

and 23 is too young.. im sure he knows that
how the hell do you know??lol.. he posted it somewhere else??

cycle is weak.. too short.. weak pct.. the guys will lead you the right way here..

and 23 is too young.. im sure he knows that

I Clicked on his profile lol.. He gave his stats and info in his first cycle go around.
Yeah he started at 21,, too young!
Ya rouch has got it right except i also cycled dbols with my first cycle just may have not posted it. it was a cycle cycle that i didn't post that gave me the mild gyno which was basically the same as my first cycle. i had to shut it down after 3weeks due to gyno.

someone had posted to take raloxifene to get rid of the gyno i tried a few different thing letro and ralox nothing worked still got the lumps.