Starting first Anavar cycle, i need advice


New member
hey guys I'm going to be starting an anavar cycle as soon as i get my questions answered. I have 200 pills of 10mg and plan on taking 50mg daily for 20 days and then upping my dose to 60mg a day for a week then finishing off with 70mg a day for the rest of the cycle. I have been lifting since i was 15 years old now I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in a few months and was planning on running anavar alone, without any test but after reading over some research i have seen that it is terrible to do that unless you have a vagina lol, everyone recommends a test base. The thing is, I'm afraid to stack another steroid such as test because this is my first cycle and also i do not want to inject, nor have the price range for another steroid such as test injections. I wanted to know what other forms of testosterone i can substitute for the test injections such as maybe a test booster or a natural test booster. What alternative of test will prevent me from getting limp dick towards the ending weeks of my cycle that isn't too crazy (I'm a rookie when it comes to steroids, i would appreciate the friendly help)

i will also be running a pct at the END of my cycle and a milk thistle while ON the cycle for safety. if there are any other safety measures you guys recommend, please fill me in.

As tbone said your to young and you'll get reasons why in the thread he linked. And if you can't inject this might not be for you.

That being said if you cant afford test how can you afford blood work, the necessary ancillaries associated with cycling, gym membership and the proper food?
if i do buy test to inject, how much is the minimum dose i can get away with taking? i already bought the anavar, even only being almost 21 i don't really plan on backing out now
No other substitutes. If your not going to inject test then steroids aren't for you. Being only 20, by the time you research and learn how to diet and train properly you'll be older and wiser. Nobody here recommends a cycle before your 25. Read this:

if i do buy test to inject, how much is the minimum dose i can get away with taking? i already bought the anavar, even only being almost 21 i don't really plan on backing out now
As tbone said your to young and you'll get reasons why in the thread he linked. And if you can't inject this might not be for you.

That being said if you cant afford test how can you afford blood work, the necessary ancillaries associated with cycling, gym membership and the proper food?

im in college. parents supply me with money for food and gym.
if i do buy test to inject, how much is the minimum dose i can get away with taking? i already bought the anavar, even only being almost 21 i don't really plan on backing out now

Did you read the thread?

Planning a first cycle threads. Its all on there.

You are showing how immature you are with your response. I want it and I want it now. This isn't a game you can damage yourself if you don't use some good common sense. No one here wants to see you hurt yourself.

If you don't want to listen to the advice that's been given I would suggest committing that thread to memory while you plan your cycle and hopefully you'll recover and not be stuck on TRT the rest of your life or do some damage to your still maturing endocrine system.
I don't recommend that you cycle at your age, but a minimum testosterone dose is somewhere between 100-200mg of Test per week. That would get you close to where your Natty T likely has you at now.

Keep in mind that you may need an aromatase inhibitor on a dosage of Test like that.

Just curious... What is your height, weight and body fat %?
i dont see what the point of running test at a TRT dose tho... if OP is gonna do it he should do it right and not rely on the var to give results

I agree. But he asked for a minimum. TRT is the minimal dosage.

OP simply shouldn't use AAS at his young age.
I have yet to see OP list height, weight, and/or bodyfat.

So far I can tell we have a college kid, living on an allowance from mom and dad, wanting to do a ill advised cycle. Most likely wanting to get some muscle on the frame to tap more chicks he can pick up at the bar. Do you drink? Party? Do any other rec drugs? I'm speculating and hopefully wrong here.

Son I'm gonna hit you with a little wisdom. Determine what it is you are in college u r trying to accomplish. Set goals for yourself in that setting. Then apply the same logic to your diet, exercise, body comp, etc.
I'm quite sure you can make exceptional progress if you eat sleep lift and study. I will add you'll prob find a HOT chick who is into that as well.

You need to understand the way you are approaching this cycle is a BAD way to approach MOST things in life. Relationships, career, etc. So listen to words of wisdom from vets and earn some delayed gratification. Later on you can enhance when you iron out behavioral issues.

Now make yourself and your parents proud and make the goals and KILL EM!

I know this sounds preachy but I wish someone would have slapped me with this logic when I was 20.