New member
hey guys I'm going to be starting an anavar cycle as soon as i get my questions answered. I have 200 pills of 10mg and plan on taking 50mg daily for 20 days and then upping my dose to 60mg a day for a week then finishing off with 70mg a day for the rest of the cycle. I have been lifting since i was 15 years old now I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in a few months and was planning on running anavar alone, without any test but after reading over some research i have seen that it is terrible to do that unless you have a vagina lol, everyone recommends a test base. The thing is, I'm afraid to stack another steroid such as test because this is my first cycle and also i do not want to inject, nor have the price range for another steroid such as test injections. I wanted to know what other forms of testosterone i can substitute for the test injections such as maybe a test booster or a natural test booster. What alternative of test will prevent me from getting limp dick towards the ending weeks of my cycle that isn't too crazy (I'm a rookie when it comes to steroids, i would appreciate the friendly help)
i will also be running a pct at the END of my cycle and a milk thistle while ON the cycle for safety. if there are any other safety measures you guys recommend, please fill me in.
i will also be running a pct at the END of my cycle and a milk thistle while ON the cycle for safety. if there are any other safety measures you guys recommend, please fill me in.