Its serious getting into gear so early. If you are already past the point of no return dont do anything but test e at 500 mg/wk. You dont need to be mixing compounds especially for your first cycle. Im 22 and all i do is 500 mg/wk of test e and gained 18 pounds in 5 weeks.
Its best to start with one thing first, dont mix compounds because you wont know what your getting the gainz from. this is a slow steady walk into a jog my friend, no need to sprint at the start of a 5K. test e is the least serious injectable you can get into and see gainz.
My cuz is 19 and took prop and tren for his first cycle now test e wont touch what that stuff did, so he is cranking up the heat and taking tons of shit. if your going to do it, be smart, start slow and low. and make sure you have a PCT and aromasin and all the stuff you need up front. You didnt mention a PCT so if you dont know what it is or what your going to be taking and for how long hit the internet for another 2 years until your 20 which is still too young.
Best wishes