Starting my first cycle soon. It's oral only (H-Drol). Pre-Cycle Check...

Harrold Max

New member
Hi folks,

I've been lurking, doing research, and getting my details together for my cycle soon. I wanted to run them past this community for comments before I begin... :)

Background and Game Plan:
This is my first PH cycle. I have been training for nearly 4 years naturally and seriously. I've read up on the use of PH's for about several months before agreeing with myself to use them. During this cycle, I plan on lean bulking on 2,500 calories consisting with a P/C/F split of 40/35/25. I got my bloodwork done beforehand, too.

Personal Stats
23 years old
5'11" and 190lbs, 14% BF
Total Testosterone: 542 ng/dL out of 1197 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 13.1 ng/dL out of 26.5 pg/mL

So here are the details for my first H-Drol cycle...

- MrSupps Helladrol for 6 weeks: 75/75/75/100/100/125
- Taurine 3g daily (for reported back pumps)
- Forged Liver Support
- Forma Stanzol, weeks 1-10

- Forged Post Cycle, 4 weeks
- Forma Stanzol, weeks 1-10
- Nolva, 4 weeks (20/20/10/10)

Whey and Casein
Orange Triad Multivitamin
2g Fish Oil daily
ZMA nightly
1.R.M. on workout days

1) Should I dose the H-Drol more mildly at 50/75/75/75/100/100 because I'm new?
2) There's only enough Forged Liver Support to run it for 4 weeks. What should I do? Dose only the last 4 weeks? Spread the 6 weeks thinner? Grab another bottle (has to be same brand? Different is okay like Cycle Assist)?
3) Your thoughts on these supplements during the Cycle? If and when required? And dosages? (I have all these supplements on hand).:
- Creatine?
- DAA?
- HCGenerate?
- Triazole?
- Turmeric?
- Milk Thistle?
4) I believe 1.R.M. has 300mg of caffeine per serving. Will this be too much on cycle?
5)TIMING? When is the best time to take Hdrol?
6) PCT: Does it start 24 hours after the last dosing of H-Drol, or when?

I welcome any constructive comments, questions, suggestions regarding the entire cycle! Especially tell me if I have too much overlap of certain supplements, or not enough.

Thanks guys
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In terms of dosing, it doesn't kick in for at least 3 weeks (depending on your genetics), once you notice the kick in you can adjust your dosing to you see fit, I noticed no difference between taking 75mg and taking 150mg. If your running oral-only, at least take DAA, bare minimum for testosterone, and its up to you if you wanna use a pre-workout as well, without one, its really hard at the beginning, the first few weeks just suck not having any actual drive, but its better than having high blood pressure post cycle. It is pretty solid otherwise, you will experience some mild sides (N2Guard works pretty awesome), and should have liver support in there too. There is going to be heckling over your age, you still got a few years of premium natural bodybuilding chemistry left in you, but its better to be informed, so even if you do go through with it, at least you will be on the right track.
In terms of dosing, it doesn't kick in for at least 3 weeks (depending on your genetics), once you notice the kick in you can adjust your dosing to you see fit, I noticed no difference between taking 75mg and taking 150mg. If your running oral-only, at least take DAA, bare minimum for testosterone, and its up to you if you wanna use a pre-workout as well, without one, its really hard at the beginning, the first few weeks just suck not having any actual drive, but its better than having high blood pressure post cycle. It is pretty solid otherwise, you will experience some mild sides (N2Guard works pretty awesome), and should have liver support in there too. There is going to be heckling over your age, you still got a few years of premium natural bodybuilding chemistry left in you, but its better to be informed, so even if you do go through with it, at least you will be on the right track.

Thanks for the first reply. :)

I have DAA. Should I take it through the whole cycle, like 3g a day?

Also I have both HCGenerate, too... I thought DAA was the poor man's HCGenerate, so I should take my HCGenerate instead?

P.S. I formatted the first post so it'd be easier to follow and respond to.
1) For dosing listen to the more experienced guys on here. I'm still wrapping my head around dosages.
2) I wouldn't spread the Liver Support thin. Either pick up another bottle or drop the cycle down to 4 weeks. It's your liver!
3) For on cycle sups I would drop the Creatine, your liver and kidneys have enough to worry about. Save the creatine for post cycle, it will help retain size and gains better than you think. Also check to see if there's already creatine in the Whey or Casine your taking. I made that mistake for about a month and was accidentally double dosing. Also milk thistle never hurts, but again take it from the more experienced guys on here.
4) I've heard on a lot of posts to drop the pre-work out stuff when your on cycle. Again I would pick it back up once your done but it's up to you. I still used it once or twice a week when I wanted to max or just get a good workout. I'd say skip it otherwise.
5) Timing...I'm still trying to learn this one two. I take my first dose in the morning on an empty stomach then eat about 20-30min later. The second dose I take right after lunch.
6) Take your post cycle therapy (pct) just like you would've take your PH the next least that's how I start off...same timing.

Good luck man! Stay focused and stay smart and I'm sure you'll be happily surprised at the end of your cycle!
1) For dosing listen to the more experienced guys on here. I'm still wrapping my head around dosages.
2) I wouldn't spread the Liver Support thin. Either pick up another bottle or drop the cycle down to 4 weeks. It's your liver!
3) For on cycle sups I would drop the Creatine, your liver and kidneys have enough to worry about. Save the creatine for post cycle, it will help retain size and gains better than you think. Also check to see if there's already creatine in the Whey or Casine your taking. I made that mistake for about a month and was accidentally double dosing. Also milk thistle never hurts, but again take it from the more experienced guys on here.
4) I've heard on a lot of posts to drop the pre-work out stuff when your on cycle. Again I would pick it back up once your done but it's up to you. I still used it once or twice a week when I wanted to max or just get a good workout. I'd say skip it otherwise.
5) Timing...I'm still trying to learn this one two. I take my first dose in the morning on an empty stomach then eat about 20-30min later. The second dose I take right after lunch.
6) Take your PCT just like you would've take your PH the next least that's how I start off...same timing.

Good luck man! Stay focused and stay smart and I'm sure you'll be happily surprised at the end of your cycle!

Thanks for the informative reply!

Any more experienced posters can chime in?
1) Depends. The first 3 weeks doesn't matter really, it doesn't kick in until the end of the 3rd week, so you can run it at 50/50/50/75/75/75 if you really wanted to, but the way saw it, your gonna have some left in the bottle at the end that's pretty much useless having around. I ran it at 75/75/75/100/125/150, I wouldn't recommend following that, I just wanted to go harder and harder, most people say they can handle 100 right on through to the end, yours is totally fine.

2) Definitely grab another bottle, I did, I even snuck in a few beers mid-cycle and had no problems whatsoever.

3) What he said ^^.

4) 1MR is pretty much just caffeine, your call honestly, running Helladrol is really a lot of work, you don't realize it until you have no support, its not like Helladrol gives you an unlimited supply of energy, it increases your muscle mass/strength significantly, but does absolutely no work helping you get that muscle (depends on body Chemistry). I was using N.O. in my PCT, no problems whatsoever.

5) Morning (Evening in my case), then 6-8h after the first dose. I worked out after my second dose usually, I wonder if there is a medium between the two.

6) I started when I woke up, same time as my Helladrol dose, I don't know about Nolva, but I found a really great place taking my Torem right before I my workout with my N.O., so I really put the Test boost to use, rather than taking it first thing, or before I went to bed, it seemed wasted that way. But for the first week I took right away.
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Cycle looks good. I would use clomid personally for post cycle therapy (pct) but everything looks solid. Good luck
Thanks for the informative reply!

Any more experienced posters can chime in?

Yeah dont do oral only cycles.
If you can have a test bast then dont do anything.
its MORE unhealthy to do an oral cycle without test than with test AND you will feel like shit for most when you dont have a test base to replace what you will be losing form the shutdown or the orals.

this is just the tip of the ice berg but read this-->
its liver toxic.
I dont even use orals in genral anymore... but ill run 1g of test . with deca or mast...
oral only cyclers have there minds and values messed up in my op...
Look into SARMS maybe, forgot to add that.

S-4 is well known. I have 2 btls still from RUI now and 3 from another place I have yet to try.

That would not be liver toxic like the orals.
I agree with running test base.
Butttt, since your running the cycle anyways I'm sure, then I would recommend you don't run it as high as 125mg. That's crazy in my opinion. Even with the taurine your back will fucking hate you bro.
Stick to 75 if you keep eating results then why go higher? It's only your 1st cycle.
And I didn't read all the comments because I'm too lazy but ill be looking forward to seeing a log if your running one. I agree with the use of clomid also for pct. Works way better than nolva for me IMO. Just be ready for the sides :) goodluck bro!