Starting my first cycle tomorrow


New member
Hello everyone.
So I have finally decided to take the leap and get on some gear.
I started researching about steroids four months ago and have been lurking in this forum for a bit.
I ordered the gear a few weeks ago from a reliable source and finally came in yesterday.
Was going to start pinning right away but I held off and told myself I should just wait until Monday so I can have a proper schedule of pinning twice a week - Monday and Thursday.
Decided to open this thread so I could keep a progress log.
I'll post pictures when I get a chance, maybe once or twice a week.

My cycle is as follows

Week 1-10: test E 500mg/wk
Week 2-10: letro 0.2-0.6 - will see how well my body reacts to the test and if any signs of gyno
Week 10-12: Off
Week 12-16: Nolva post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20

My stats are as follows

Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 195
BF: 15%~

Wish me luck, fellas.
Hello everyone.
So I have finally decided to take the leap and get on some gear.
I started researching about steroids four months ago and have been lurking in this forum for a bit.
I ordered the gear a few weeks ago from a reliable source and finally came in yesterday.
Was going to start pinning right away but I held off and told myself I should just wait until Monday so I can have a proper schedule of pinning twice a week - Monday and Thursday.
Decided to open this thread so I could keep a progress log.
I'll post pictures when I get a chance, maybe once or twice a week.

My cycle is as follows

Week 1-10: test E 500mg/wk
Week 2-10: letro 0.2-0.6 - will see how well my body reacts to the test and if any signs of gyno
Week 10-12: Off
Week 12-16: Nolva post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20

My stats are as follows

Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 195
BF: 15%~

Wish me luck, fellas.

It's recommended to do 12wks of test e considering it will take 4-6wks just to kick in. Also you're going to want to add clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) as well 50/50/50/50 or 50/50/25/25. Get blood work done before and during cycle and after post cycle therapy (pct). not very familiar with letro but heard its powerful stuff so all the more reason to get bloods to make sure you don't crash your estradiol levels. Good luck with the cycle.
Good luck. Letro is very strong. Try without it and only use if sides come up at a be low .25 e3d.
Get some clomid for ur post cycle therapy (pct). maybe even get a different Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Letro has many sides
Wow, sorry not updating this guys.

Anyways, there was a hiccup in my cycle so I ended up starting it later than I expected, so I am currently on week 1, pinned second time on Thursday, third pin will be tomorrow (Monday).
No noticeable side effects yet but my workouts have been really good and I have been sweating like crazy at the gym.
One side effect that I don't know if it's from the test or from the weather is a rise in body temp. I took my shirt off last night and this girl said I was really warm, though I myself did not feel it. But she said she could "feel" my heat from the other side of the bed, so I don't know.
I'll post progress pics after week 4 or 5.