New here, and to the world of stacking. I have done test three times now. The 1st time by itself, rest I stacked it with HGH.
Stats -
36 years old / 5' 10" / 190 lbs
Cycle -
Sustanon 250 - (1 cc on Sunday and 1 cc on Thursday)
Boldenone E.Q. 300 - (1 cc on Sunday and .5 cc on Thursday)
Anavar - 60 mg a day
Nolvadex - 20 mg a day
N2Gaurd (pricey, just wanted an all-in-one)
I also have 10,000 IU of Pregnyl for PCT, but admit I have no idea how to use it.
So many questions...
Did I pick the right doses?
How long should I use each for (I was thinking a 12 week cycle)?
Is this a good cycle for someone trying to increase size and look defined?
Am I taking the necessary steps when it comes to my health (I.E., liver, BP, etc.)?
Last, I usually use Enanthate, use it for 3 months and then take 3 months off between cycles. This time I was advised to just take 2.
Is that enough time between cycles?
And of coarse.. How to use the Pregnyl correctly?
Any advice or recommendations are welcome.
I know it's a lot I am asking, any information will help. As my name states I just want to make sure I am doing things in a healthy way.
Thanks for your time and information. I really appreciate it.
Stats -
36 years old / 5' 10" / 190 lbs
Cycle -
Sustanon 250 - (1 cc on Sunday and 1 cc on Thursday)
Boldenone E.Q. 300 - (1 cc on Sunday and .5 cc on Thursday)
Anavar - 60 mg a day
Nolvadex - 20 mg a day
N2Gaurd (pricey, just wanted an all-in-one)
I also have 10,000 IU of Pregnyl for PCT, but admit I have no idea how to use it.
So many questions...
Did I pick the right doses?
How long should I use each for (I was thinking a 12 week cycle)?
Is this a good cycle for someone trying to increase size and look defined?
Am I taking the necessary steps when it comes to my health (I.E., liver, BP, etc.)?
Last, I usually use Enanthate, use it for 3 months and then take 3 months off between cycles. This time I was advised to just take 2.
Is that enough time between cycles?
And of coarse.. How to use the Pregnyl correctly?
Any advice or recommendations are welcome.
I know it's a lot I am asking, any information will help. As my name states I just want to make sure I am doing things in a healthy way.
Thanks for your time and information. I really appreciate it.