Starting my first serious stack and have questions (Sus, Bol, Var, Nolva)


New member
New here, and to the world of stacking. I have done test three times now. The 1st time by itself, rest I stacked it with HGH.

Stats -
36 years old / 5' 10" / 190 lbs

Cycle -
Sustanon 250 - (1 cc on Sunday and 1 cc on Thursday)
Boldenone E.Q. 300 - (1 cc on Sunday and .5 cc on Thursday)
Anavar - 60 mg a day
Nolvadex - 20 mg a day
N2Gaurd (pricey, just wanted an all-in-one)

I also have 10,000 IU of Pregnyl for PCT, but admit I have no idea how to use it.

So many questions...

Did I pick the right doses?

How long should I use each for (I was thinking a 12 week cycle)?

Is this a good cycle for someone trying to increase size and look defined?

Am I taking the necessary steps when it comes to my health (I.E., liver, BP, etc.)?

Last, I usually use Enanthate, use it for 3 months and then take 3 months off between cycles. This time I was advised to just take 2.
Is that enough time between cycles?

And of coarse.. How to use the Pregnyl correctly?

Any advice or recommendations are welcome.

I know it's a lot I am asking, any information will help. As my name states I just want to make sure I am doing things in a healthy way.

Thanks for your time and information. I really appreciate it.
If you've ran a few cycles in your past.. don't you already know how to do a proper PCT ? If you haven't, then I advise you go get blood work now before thinking about this cycle,, you may already be jacked up.

couple of notes though - EQ dosage is WAY to low,, your just wasting gear, Nolvadex should be dropped and you should use an AI like Arimidex***8230; Anavar should only be ran a max of 6 weeks. . HCG should be added at 500iu a week.. 12 weeks is fine. a standard nolvadex/clomid PCT seems to be working best for most guys.
I didn't go into detail about the past cycles. My mistake. I ran Clomed when I came off my first two cycles. The last cycle I didn't use a PCT due to funding at the time. Now I came into some money and got my next cycle together, which was stated above.

I was asking about the Pregnyl because I used Clomed the first two times, and never used Pregnyl, let alone got any information on how to dose it properly, where to inject it, or anything when I received it, which is why I didn't use it yet... and why I am asking here.

Just trying to ensure I got things right. A few of the people I am around say this is a good cycle for someone that just wants to gain muscle and get cut. I'm not looking to get huge, just defined and add some muscle/definition.
I read up on Ology, it didn't help me with what I am asking above. I know there are tons of different cycles.. I am looking how to make best with what I have above. It's what I can get.
Lay out your pct plan and how you will use an AI and hcg which can be found in the thread given to you by megatron do this and I'll give you my opinion and what your next cycle should be given the history just put a little effort in first.
I read up on Ology, it didn't help me with what I am asking above. I know there are tons of different cycles.. I am looking how to make best with what I have above. It's what I can get.

Then keep saving and do a cycle properly.

In regards to starting a cycle and not having funds for PCT, that's like going on holidays and not having enough money for insurance. Like buying a house and not being able to service your loan should rates rise. Like picking up a person at the bar and not having condoms.....

Come on dude, giving help to people that are near guaranteed to be hurting themselves; as is your case with no blood work and proper PCT; will just hurt the forum's reputation!

I know I'm coming off as harsh but it's because I'm incredibly serious, I think you're going to hurt yourself and I want you to take it seriously.
Lay out your pct plan and how you will use an AI and hcg which can be found in the thread given to you by megatron do this and I'll give you my opinion and what your next cycle should be given the history just put a little effort in first.

As this states, I am a newbie. I have a lot of conflicting information, between people in my ear and what research I've done. As to why i ask a lot of questions.

To my understanding the N2Guard is my AI. For HCG I have the the Pregnyl, which I haven't used as I stated because I don;t know how to use it. I plan to use both as directed, if I can get some direction.

Thanks for your time and offer for advice. With all the conflicting information I am just keeping an open mind right now and listening to what everyone says, weighing it against what everyone says, and trying to find reoccurring recommendations.
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Then keep saving and do a cycle properly.

In regards to starting a cycle and not having funds for PCT, that's like going on holidays and not having enough money for insurance. Like buying a house and not being able to service your loan should rates rise. Like picking up a person at the bar and not having condoms.....

Sorry Onk, I stated that wrong. I had the Pregnyl, but no idea how to use it, and couldn't afford the Clomed by the time I was coming off... and my friend that gave me the Preg had disappeared without giving me directions. So this last cycle I didn't use a pct. I am going to put my cycle on hold for a week and go get my blood work done. Until then, it would be nice t get a better understanding of what I am doing. Thanks!

BTW: What are these condom things you speak of? :wink2:
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Update: I have learned nolvadex is not an AI. I will run aromasin during cycle. Really learning fast, but still so much out there. I feel like a scientist. lol
Glad to see you're reading and learning. Aromasin is a good choice for an AI. Do you have pct figured out now also?

I'm going to use the Nolva as my pct. I will look for proper dosage online, unless someone here has advise on a proper dosage and time frame for me to use Nolva as a pct.

I'm waiting to start my cycle until the Aromasin I ordered arrives. I'm hoping by then I will have a better understanding of my cycle and what to do.

The Aromasin; when do I introduce it?

I'm starting to lean towards:
1-16 Sustanon 400mg/week
1-16 EQ 600mg/week
10-16 Anavar 50mg/ED
18-20 HcG 1000IUs/week split Monday/Thursday

and N2Gaurd the whole way.
dont use the HCG in PCT. use it all through the cycle and stopping before PCT. it helps prevent testicular atrophy. 250iu 2/week.

for PCT stick with clomid and nolvadex.
I'm going to use the Nolva as my pct. I will look for proper dosage online, unless someone here has advise on a proper dosage and time frame for me to use Nolva as a pct.

I'm waiting to start my cycle until the Aromasin I ordered arrives. I'm hoping by then I will have a better understanding of my cycle and what to do.

The Aromasin; when do I introduce it?

I'm starting to lean towards:
1-16 Sustanon 400mg/week
1-16 EQ 600mg/week
10-16 Anavar 50mg/ED
18-20 HcG 1000IUs/week split Monday/Thursday

and N2Gaurd the whole way.

You really should take the time to read the link provided to you in post #3.
I have read every part of it, through and through. It's a lot of information, and I digested it. I am still trying to adapt it into the cycles I have already done, where I am now, and what I have planned for my future. I appreciate everyone's help, and am ensuring this time around that I am doing things right. I care about my health. Thanks everyone for your time.

Back to the cycle at hand, any more advice on the dosage of time frame? I am also interested in what I can add or substitute.

As also any and all input and information is appreciated.
OP -- Sustanon is blend of long and short ester tests,, It needs to be pinned every other day to maintain consistent blood levels,, NOT twice a week.

I would go with just plain old Test E - then you can get by pinning it twice a week - somewhere between 500-600 mg per week, for 14 weeks.

Your EQ dose is really low.. 600 mg plus would be better.. but, personally I'd go with another compound,, EQ takes awhile to get rolling.. I'd go with something faster. NPP, or run an oral like dbol or Tbol at the start of the cycle. As for the Anavar, I'd choose Tbol over anavar.. but either way you could run the oral from the start of the cycle from weeks 1-8 or do it on the back end from weeks 7-14..

Run an AI from day one of your cycle.. .25 mg eod is fine starting point,, run it all the way up to pct. also run hcg the duration of your cycle, 500 iu a day.. you don't need to run nolva on cycle.. run nolva and clomid for your pct

Note: Also, personally I would start any long ester Test cycle with a few weeks of front loading it with Test Prop..
Test Prop - 150 mg eod - weeks 1-4
Test E - 600 mg a week - weeks 1-14
OP -- Sustanon is blend of long and short ester tests,, It needs to be pinned every other day to maintain consistent blood levels,, NOT twice a week.

I would go with just plain old Test E - then you can get by pinning it twice a week - somewhere between 500-600 mg per week, for 14 weeks.

Your EQ dose is really low.. 600 mg plus would be better.. but, personally I'd go with another compound,, EQ takes awhile to get rolling.. I'd go with something faster. NPP, or run an oral like dbol or Tbol at the start of the cycle. As for the Anavar, I'd choose Tbol over anavar.. but either way you could run the oral from the start of the cycle from weeks 1-8 or do it on the back end from weeks 7-14..

Run an AI from day one of your cycle.. .25 mg eod is fine starting point,, run it all the way up to pct. also run hcg the duration of your cycle, 500 iu a day.. you don't need to run nolva on cycle.. run nolva and clomid for your pct
Another thing to consider with sustanon...16 weeks is a long time to go because it hurts like hell. That shit gets old quick.
I agree with you and Roush, 16 weeks is a long time. I was going to do 12, but I was advised by a few people to do the 16.

I haven't heard of using Sus EOD. So far everyone recommended twice a week with it.

With the EQ, I think what I am dosing is 450 a week. You recommend upping that to 600 a week, for my first cycle of it?

Thanks again for everyone's help and time. I appreciate it!!