Stenabol olympus labs vs msten rx iron mag labs


New member
Hey guys. Just curious if anyone can inform me on which is better between

Msten rx
Msten 10

The only one ive tried is msten rx and i was very pleased with the results. However, upon going for my next order of the msten rx, two different companies offered two different products. Msten 10 and stenobol. Both of which are cheaper than msten rx.
Is the only difference the purity of the methylstenbolone?
What could possible be the difference?
Msten rx : 2,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one 10mg

Stenabol : 2,17***945;-dimethyl-5***945;-androsta-1-en-17-ol-3-one 10mg

Msten 10 : 2,17***945;-dimethyl-5***945;-androsta-1-en-17***946;-ol-3-one 10mg

As you can see, the active ingredients dont exactly match up. SHOuld i stick with msten rx? Or am i missing something?
They should still be the same compound as far as I know, but yes usually difference from company to company is purity (and maybe filler used, etc...). It's smaller dosing per cap, but my favorite m-sten product is beastdrol v2 from muscle research ( because I trust the products I get from them. But that said, only way you're going to know the difference is to try them out.