Sterile Prop?


New member
Ok, so I baked my prop today between 250 and 300 for 15 min, took it out for 15, back in for 15, out for 15, then back in for 45. Now I'm dumbfounded.

1) I swear the shit is darker now than before i baked it.

2) I think i cooked some water out of it because now that it's cooled there's condensation on the inside of the vial (above the oil.)

3) After the 45 min, the volume of the oil had increased a good bit. I'd say it moved at least a quarter inch.

Should I be worried about any of these?
Due to the fact that it got darker I would say you damaged your gear. Why is there condensation, did you not vent the vial with a pin? Volum should not have increased either. Sounds like you messed this one up pretty good. Live and learn I guess.
300F??? Why would you ever backe at that temp? Too high IMO.

You may or may not have denatured your prop. Someone with more experience will chime in. If it makes you feel any better, my tren got a little darker when baked at 235F for 45 minutes, but volume was the same as before.
any time you heat something it expands. thats why it looked like more. after ity cools it will go back down.

now what temp did you heat it at? was it 250 or 300? did you calibrate your oven? why did you put it in and take it out so many times?

heat occassioanly will darken hormones. is it black? 300 will not damage prop.

the condensation is a normal happening. it dont mean anything.

300 is not too high. the prob with three hunderd is sometimes the stopper and pin will melt.

read the sticky "sterlization".

thorsky. you wasted your time by baking your tren for 45 minutes at 235. I dont where you got that info from but it is incorrect. Please dont say a kit maker because its obvious that some of them dont have a clue. not all but some.
Somehow I had missed that "Sterilization" post altogether. That's some great info. I don't know where I got 235F but it was on one of the Chem/Conversion forums on the different boards I visit.

So 275F for one hour? Are there any specific hormones that can't be heated that high?
none that i have tried or read about. yeah 275 for an hour is minimum. make sure oven is calibrated. its critical as most standard ovens are off substantially. it doesnt hurt to do that about once a month. just mark it on the dial.

let oven preheat before sarting time. dont put in fridge afterwards. let cool to abient temp naturally.