well said thanks!I never understood how soaps and creams can fix acne at hand. It can remove what is there, but it can't stop new ones from coming up. Something like that has to be fought from the inside by either taking drugs or managing ur hormones in various ways.
Sup guys
So I haven't jumped on anything yet, but I've been lurking on these forums for a while before registering, reading and indulging as much information I can get about AAS use before I hop on it. I know it isn't recommended for teenagers, and for that reason I do not plan on hopping on it for at least another 3 years.
My question today is, would steroids affect acne?
Right now I've got some oily skin and mild acne, and recently convinced my dermatologist to give me accutane after topicals didn't work. Seeing as even test has androgenic effects, would that in any way cause my acne to flare up after it clears when im finished with this course of accutane? I hear that going off steroids also causes acne as well because of an estrogen rebound, but would clomid/nolvadex be enough to suppress any hormonal acne I may receive?
Would like to here from anyone, but more importantly it would be awesome if anyone who previously had acne could give me some insights. Thanks a lot.
Did not mean to offend u. Clearly we have some sort of past in terms of skin problems related, so I'd assume u know what it's like and that it is depressing and painful to walk around every day society that is as superficial as it gets and Photoshop in terms of everything possible. I'd rather take the chance with a drug like that than live in my late 30s and 40s with bad acne. There is a entire website dedicated to this problem and check out how many threads there are from people and see what they post behind their computers about it. I never understood how soaps and creams can fix acne at hand. It can remove what is there, but it can't stop new ones from coming up. Something like that has to be fought from the inside by either taking drugs or managing ur hormones in various ways.
or not want to take shirt off at pool or beach..
i think it comes down to tweaking not only diet but skin products. and it takes a while. i do agree for some tweaking vitamins might help, or finding a lacking one and supplementing it.
i rather live to 30 or 40 with bad acne than have liver or genetic issues down the line and i feel (theory) that the damage accu may bring might even trinkle down to kids you have down the line. i know this is already tru with chemicals and other things of that nature. it IS NOT a clean slate when you "put one in the oven". to a degree yes its a new formation, but knowledge/damage is carried via dna down generations.
for me i just see toomany cons and possible cons.
i had it bad, was soo itchy with BIG scabs on my chest and back, sometimes i would go soo crazy i would scratch and pick some off ( DO NOT DO THIS< MORE SCARS!)
i did few runs of antibiotics (also harsh but i feel less soo than accu) and stuck with organic soaps and NEVER putting anything on my skin that is not natural (except sunscreen at times) *skin is like a mouth, you are taking things into your body through it, it is NOT a steel barrier* and i feel that on top of plugging in my AI well is what fixed me, and i was pretty bad, wish i took some pics but it looked alot like this>
ill still get the odd one here and there, small and once and a blue moon a bigger one.
all im doing is voicing concerns : )
ps, i took apple cider vinegar ed for a couple months, i felt it helped also. but got allergies to apples soo stopped..
hows your acne going OP?
Holy shit ! In all my years I have never seen anything like these pic.
Thanks porkchop these were very informative for me.
Hey Milton, Acne cleared up very nicely and I rarely break out now. My skin is smooth as hell and its only been roughly 9-10 weeks on the stuff. I'm 6'0 84kg and only on a dose of 20mg/day, but its amazing how such a low dose is working really nicely. Now I just need to wait for the red marks to clear up.
Here are some pics of my face right now:
I know it still looks pretty bad but I'm glad its just red marks and some facial flushing from the accutane. Sorry for the late response, I don't really check this site a lot
you should visit it more often, lots of good info here for you hope it gets better. and keep your water intake high.