Steroids and Antipsychotics/Mental health

I'm on abilify 30mg for schizophrenia. i used AAS before for 2 months, the voices actually went away. But when i was on pct they returned and it was more than before, however after pct it was back to normal. I used 2 10ml vials of test e and for pct nolvadex. was doing 500 mg a week and also frontloaded 750mg in the first week.
I'm on abilify 30mg for schizophrenia. i used AAS before for 2 months, the voices actually went away. But when i was on pct they returned and it was more than before, however after pct it was back to normal. I used 2 10ml vials of test e and for pct nolvadex. was doing 500 mg a week and also frontloaded 750mg in the first week.

you would've been better off if your cycle hadn't sucked and your PCT had been done properly.
I'm on abilify 30mg for schizophrenia. i used AAS before for 2 months, the voices actually went away. But when i was on pct they returned and it was more than before, however after pct it was back to normal. I used 2 10ml vials of test e and for pct nolvadex. was doing 500 mg a week and also frontloaded 750mg in the first week.

If you are truly schizophrenia you have no business using aas. Also you didn't study up and do a proper cycle it seems. There go a schizophrenic. I suggest you leave the aas alone and be careful of the voices. Keep mind altering substances out of your system.
@Onk it was my only cycle and put on 30kg, i was satiesfied.
@oldmuscelmike Thanks for the advice bro. But the voices were alright and they are seldom. but i wont be doing a cycle anytime soon anyways.
@Onk it was my only cycle and put on 30kg, i was satiesfied.
@oldmuscelmike Thanks for the advice bro. But the voices were alright and they are seldom. but i wont be doing a cycle anytime soon anyways.

then you put on a LOT of fat and/or water.
30kg is absolutely a rubbish gain and no one will ever believe it.

2 10ml vials of test e ONLY
even at 300mg / mL (most are 250mg) you've got maxium 6g of testosterone there.

that's enough for....10 weeks max. So you gained 3 kgs a week where people running higher doses and HGH to boot would barely gain 5kg a year.
So no, it was a nice try at a reply but no.
Quentiapine is really a horrible drug. It gives me the worst depression ever after the 'high' fades...And those stupid doctors prescribed it to me for depression...A man can't believe...I have never taken anything that made my depression worse.
On seroquel you initially get stoned, which is feeling i absolutely hate with this drug. You feel like you are out of control. And then depression sets in. Those people that invented this drug are really geniuses.
I had mental problem myself. And i know its not kind to watch at other people when u visit mental hospital, i did, because i was curious. And one thing you i noticed here is that people here don't believe in theirselves, they have that scared look in there eyes, they don't believe they are sane, they are very insecure. I believe the drugs have huge impact on this. They are given this to be sedated...Sorry for throwing all patients in one basket. I'm sure someone will disagree, we could go on and on with this debate, but sorry, i really dont have much time right know...
wish everyone all the best..
then you put on a LOT of fat and/or water.
30kg is absolutely a rubbish gain and no one will ever believe it.

Its true that i gained some fat and lost 5kg at the end which should be water but my strength mainatined for most of my lifts and also why is it so unbelievebly to jus gain 5kg is jus too low especialy on my first cycle and i have been only lifting two years prior. Maybe the stuff you gettin is underdosed or jus shit.
Its true that i gained some fat and lost 5kg at the end which should be water but my strength mainatined for most of my lifts and also why is it so unbelievebly to jus gain 5kg is jus too low especialy on my first cycle and i have been only lifting two years prior. Maybe the stuff you gettin is underdosed or jus shit.

nope. you didn't gain 25 kgs of muscle in 10 weeks. not a chance in hell.
nope. you didn't gain 25 kgs of muscle in 10 weeks. not a chance in hell.

How about we NOT focus on whether this bloke gained muscle and more so on the topic at hand? The subject matter here is the use of antipsychotic and other related medications with steroids, not who grew more off 20ml of test. No one gives a fuck.

Anyhow OP, I've been on every drug you can think of. I have bipolar disorder. Currently on old-faithful Seroquel at around 800-1,000mg before bed as it's the only thing I can take to sleep, as well as a few other things. My psychiatrist informs me I'm one of maybe three people he's ever treated that require dosages as high as I take. To put it in perspective, I was once on lithium and taking 2 (or maybe 2.5?) GRAMS daily and that only just scraped me in to therapeutic levels. I saw a new psych and was taken off it so quick as my doc said if I'd become too dehydrated I would've died.

In my opinion, everything is better on test. I now run a TRT dose and blast/cruise. Years of this psych medication will cause an early death, so why not make the most out of what you enjoy?
How about we NOT focus on whether this bloke gained muscle and more so on the topic at hand? The subject matter here is the use of antipsychotic and other related medications with steroids, not who grew more off 20ml of test. No one gives a fuck.

Anyhow OP, I've been on every drug you can think of. I have bipolar disorder. Currently on old-faithful Seroquel at around 800-1,000mg before bed as it's the only thing I can take to sleep, as well as a few other things. My psychiatrist informs me I'm one of maybe three people he's ever treated that require dosages as high as I take. To put it in perspective, I was once on lithium and taking 2 (or maybe 2.5?) GRAMS daily and that only just scraped me in to therapeutic levels. I saw a new psych and was taken off it so quick as my doc said if I'd become too dehydrated I would've died.

In my opinion, everything is better on test. I now run a TRT dose and blast/cruise. Years of this psych medication will cause an early death, so why not make the most out of what you enjoy?

My thoughts exactly, no one really knows what these legalized drugs, being peddled by so called educated and legal professionals really does to your body and mind in the end.

Once I asked my doc if he ever would go on AD's if he got depressed, the fat, ignorant, know it all fuck did not even reply. Which is telling me he definitely would not.

I have tried/ used almost every meds/ drugs possible over the last 10- 15 years and still my shrinks, doc's, endos whatever say my problems are in my phsyche, totally ignoring the facts that my bloodwork shows.

Fuck the doc's they have zero first hand experiences when it comes to this shit. And yeah all they do in institutions are drug people down, I know this as I have been in both rehab and institutions. In the end it felt like they wanted me out of both places due to me questioning things like why they use so much med's, why group therapy obviously seems to not work for everybody in rehab, why all these ex-addicts drink caffeine like water( it gives you that little up-up felling like on speed/meth), smoked like chimneys and ate like mofos and getting fat as fuck. They had the nerve to call it 'instituition-weight' so it's ok getting morbidly obese.

They also claimed that me working out 4 times a week and trying to eat somewhat healthy was a addiction of mine. While people that had obvious love affairs with their refrigerators getting obese s fuck was totally ok. Double standard much?
I did a psychosis too when I was 17 because of speed and cannabis abuse. I'm on Quetiapine too and on antidepressant. I only did test and tren thought and since I dont drink nor consume drug anymore and Im following a strict diet and busting my ass off 6 days a week at the gym I'm a lot better than before taking AAS. I suffer from social anxiety too and test seems to make me more anxious and is making me feel a little bit of psychosis symptom but nothing that can be considered as paranoia. I think its coming from the social anxiety. On tren the anxiety is normal but Im more psychotic and every fucking depressing symptoms is hard as fuck. Nothing unbearable thought at least for 2-3months. I have a psychiatrist and a psychologist following me and they both know that Im cycling. Taking care of my blood test and my medication alongside my cycle. Like they are saying its my decision and they have to help me throught this. _ English is not my first language btw_
Hello I'm looking for some information and opinions that i cant find anywhere on the internet. Apart from don't do it.

I'm 30 5'5" 160lbs 14%bf and started out at around 130lbs. Iv been lifting for 7 years.

I have had psychosis in the past caused by recreational drug use in my teens and early 20s. A thing i haven't gone back to after getting well. I have been totally well for 4 years with no relapses while taking 300mgs a day of Seroquel (Quetiapine).

Surely there must be a way for me to take a small dose of say test to start with to see how i tolerate it mentally? I don't like what iv read where people are basically saying don't even try it. It will not sit well with me to not even try when it could be possible for me to run a cycle. Even if i have to pay for a Dr. to over see the whole thing.

I was thinking of taking a PH called Androtest because it converts directly to test but is said to be a very light cycle. I can run it for 4 weeks, is very easy to change the dose on a daily basis and is out the the body very quickly (Needs to be taken every day).

From what iv read Prolactin is usally not a problem on Test because there is no way i can take a dopamine agonist as too high dopamine is what i take Quetiapine for.

I can up the dose of my Quetiapine on a temporay basis to control any problems i might be getting mentally.

I wont go ahead with any of this until i have spoken to my Dr. I'm also going to have some blood work done to see if my meds have caused me any problems that might compound while taking AAS.
Why do you NEED to do AAS
AH, finally I didn't jump in on this thread without knowing it is about a year old...:dance2: LOL hahahaa I usually go on and on with a dissertation and then someone jumps in and says Hey OMM this thread it 10 years old hahaha LOL :hahano:

So to the newbie, you know yourself and have doctors following you and so that's a very good thing. However you know yourself that we as people with a true heavy psychosis don't plan the explosives behavior or intense paranoia. Therefore we have to be just so careful. The doctors don't go home with me, they aren't at the grocery store with me an they are not in my house when I have a fight with the wife now EX. There is no referee to throw a flag or jump in.

We really have no business messing with AAS but some of us do. No one can tell you or me what to do. Unfortunately it's not a good mix anyway you approach it.

Careful and good luck guys.