Steroids for Triathlets and Triathalon's, which is best?


New member
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with something. I have a friend who is wanting to train for a Triathalon and he wants to know what steroids are best for this. Obviously he is not wanting to get big and bulky so I know that a lot of roids will be out of the question. I'm thinking he's going to need to resort to other means such as blood-doping, EPO, and Glycerol. But is there anything anabolic wise that would be helpful? What types of steroids are the Olympic athletes taking? I know Ben Johnson was positive for Winstrol. Would Eq be a good choice? Race horses, lol.

Whats good for swimmers, Runners, and Biker's? What type of cycle, dosage and all that?

Thanks in advance,
Oh and another thing. He is a little overweight so he is not quite ready for these events, but needs to train for them and lose the weight overtime. So any advice you guys can give to help would be highly appreciated.
Generally from what I've read, most steroids aren't too cardiovascular friendly. My honest advice would be to get his ass in shape first, experiment with supplements such as creatine/glutamine/caffine/healthy diet and then worry about all the extras. Ever seen the (now somewhat antiquated) food pyramid?

S u p p l e m e n t s
T r a i n i n g/R e s t

Make sure you have the big ones first, then use the juice sparingly. But if your diet, training, supplements and intellect (specifically about the use of steroids) are lacking there is no need to proceed up the pyramid as it is a recipe for collapse.

That being said ... maybe try var.
Definetly agree with you. I think he is more or less wanting to do the Triathalon stuff to try to lose the weight. I tried to explain to him that he get better results through weight training, cardio, and diet. But some people are old fashioned and tend to think that those exercises named above are still best for fat loss. They think weight training makes you bulkier, doesn't burn fat.

Just out of curiousity though, cause I have always wondered this myself, what would an in shape triathlete use for those events? I'm pretty sure Winstrol and anavar, I would else guess primo. What about growth hormone?
i take it you are aware that floyd landis (winner of the tour de france) tested postive for testosterone. i assume therefore T is helpful for long bike races (in addition to EPO).
Testosterone and Equipoise will both have cardio benefit from what I know. Both increase red blood cell production, allowing the body to absorb and use more oxygen. As long as he backs off the calories and doesn't put on too much muscle it should help.

Xtreme 57 is right. He needs to learn how to eat.