Steroids in professional Sports


New member
In the world of professional sports especially in Baseball the recent problematic for some people of using of performance enhancing drugs has become a big topic and many players and professional athletes has lost their careers, titles, sponsors and even their only way to generate an income. Why so many accuse PED`s users? The reason is they don`t really know how to classify what is cheating and what is not. Let me explain this more indeed. When Tiger Woods has that eye surgery to enhance his vision perception was not considered cheating but when Mark McGuire used steroids becomes an issue and condemned bunch of other players for the same. It is really cheating trying to recovery from an injury or get stronger, faster and efficient to keep their jobs and perform at the highest levels they can for the entertainment of fans a felony? Most people talked how bad are steroids but they don`t really know the real benefits of this drugs and its use. Many claims without any medical or scientific evidence base on studies that steroids kill people and many other issues than can affect some one that use steroids. Like John Romano said in an interview with a reporter “show me the bodies” there is no evidence that steroids can kill, they can harm the human body when use in excess. Is not cigarettes and Alcohol the number one killer in America? But this two are legal and many studies that proved this is true. I will love to see “professional athletes” using steroids, more long homeruns, less injured players, faster recovery and longer careers for this little percentage of our society who just want to make their living and entertainment the fans.

I am tired of Bob Selig and the ignorant people who don`t even want to listen the expert of the commission use by the senates and the Congress and still vote for banned steroids. America needs to educate everyone and invest money creating a research team by the Govt but with Drs and professional in the fitness industry so a good and valid conclusion is made base in real studies. Stop the BULLSHIT!!! against steroid users and let the truth to come up to the public.
The part that I find funny is that certain people get singled out as the "cheaters". I've read articles and talked to people in the professional sports world and it seems like PEDs are the rule, not the exception in pro sports, and even high level amateurs (college etc.). I've talked to athletes and trainers across the board and it seems as though most of the athletes in every sport from football to cycling are using drugs. I can understand that since it's against the league rules it's technically cheating, but who are they cheating if everyone is on something? I read an article somewhere by a former pro cyclist who said that different teams coordinated their usage so no one team peaked and dominated the pack and drew suspicion. The only people who are being cheated the way I see it are the ones who could have gone pro if they would have started using PEDs but decided against it(I doubt there are many), but then I would also argue that they are only cheating themselves. Most people who have the dedication to make it to high level competition in anything have the mindset of being the best at all costs, so the way I see it, with the fact that PEDs can and are being used safely, if you are in high level athletics and not using every available option, you are just cheating yourself out of being the best possible athlete. As you mentioned, no one bats an eyelash when someone gets their vision corrected, or wears the best cleats on the field, or uses the newest club technology. All these things go toward making the athlete perform at the highest possible level, so why should PEDs be any different? I think Dr. Norm Fost makes a good point in a debate I saw. He says that if you allow steroids in sports, it will not only allow athletes PED usage to be officially monitored by doctors making it safer for the athletes, but it will also allow athletes who weren't doping the opportunity to be on a level playing field with those who are.
Yeah Great point bro and thnx for sharing your though on this topic which is making me sick of people who are just defending the past and the natural era of athletes. But who can assure there were not doing something similar???
Think of the money that would be "lost" if they finally just let folks know what the real deal is. Every time you see a sports figure pop up on TV, they're selling something that we subconsciously associate with their success. Be it tennis shoes, the kind of cereal they supposedly eat, the vitamins they take, their energy drinks, the list goes on and on. I agree, it's quite silly - but until money stops having such an impact on how laws are made and rules are set in sports, I just don't see things changing.

Fun fact: Steroid usage in the late 1950's to the 1970's was a major factor in the Olympic games; especially for East Germans and Soviets. Wanna speculate on how the US caught up? ;)
Think of the money that would be "lost" if they finally just let folks know what the real deal is. Every time you see a sports figure pop up on TV, they're selling something that we subconsciously associate with their success. Be it tennis shoes, the kind of cereal they supposedly eat, the vitamins they take, their energy drinks, the list goes on and on. I agree, it's quite silly - but until money stops having such an impact on how laws are made and rules are set in sports, I just don't see things changing.

Fun fact: Steroid usage in the late 1950's to the 1970's was a major factor in the Olympic games; especially for East Germans and Soviets. Wanna speculate on how the US caught up? ;)

Or the money they would lose in general from the sport itself.

I don't want to see some weak ass bitch hit a damn ball slightly past second base, I want some juiced up monster slamming that shit.

(its an exaggeration I know but bear with me)
It's essentially the same thing as in bodybuilding. It all boils down to money. Would you be buying that new weight gainer or BCAA mix that BSN just came out with if you knew that Ron got that big from roids, not from these bullshit supps? The sad thing is, especially with Ronnie since he was a cop, people will argue to their fucking graves that these guys are natural LMAO. I wish I still believed in Santa......
Or the money they would lose in general from the sport itself.

I don't want to see some weak ass bitch hit a damn ball slightly past second base, I want some juiced up monster slamming that shit.

(its an exaggeration I know but bear with me)
Very true. We wouldn't be seeing shattered records all over the place if it weren't for PEDs, so I don't know where these retards think this ability comes from. This is not to take away from the hard work and talent that many athletes do possess, but we do need to be realistic here. ;)
It's essentially the same thing as in bodybuilding. It all boils down to money. Would you be buying that new weight gainer or BCAA mix that BSN just came out with if you knew that Ron got that big from roids, not from these bullshit supps? The sad thing is, especially with Ronnie since he was a cop, people will argue to their fucking graves that these guys are natural LMAO. I wish I still believed in Santa......
Wait......what about Santa??? :mad: