Steroids in thailand

Hey Burningman! I have also got the Somatrope hgh Meditech..

I got meditech hgh from phuket and it says somatrope and made in germany on the side of the box. Im having joint stiffness but hard to tell if its fake or not.

How much more expensive is gear in phuket compared to bangkok? Im about to make a gear shopping trip but i much prefer phuket for its beaches.

Did you had any problems or sidekicks from it?
I recently bought a yellow box with golden text "SOMATROPE".. Did you ever find out if it was fake or real stuff?

Thanks for letting me know!!

hey i just started to take sustanon 250 20 years old and did so far 2 injections and beside that i am taking dianabol 40 mg a day 4 pills a day before break fast before lunch befre work out and before i go sleep
i also wana know when sustanon 250 kicks in and how do you see a resoults after injections can anyone explain to me
Hey.... somebody can tell to me the address the pharmacy in Pattaya where i can buy Winstrol, Clenbuterol? I asked two drug stores, I was told that this will not sell. Help me. very need
from sri lanka bro (south east asia)
Hey, I might be travelling there for a holiday later this year and will try to train while there. Can you tell me what is the availability of basic gear (test,primo,dbol,deca,nolva...) and if they are generally pharmaceutical or ugl, many fakes around?

thanks for your time anyway.
I have used Somatropin( soma max 10) HGH of Maxtreme Pharma,alpha pharma also. It has very good results and u can mail to to know more about this product. It can be bought in bangkok also.