Stickler syndrome, looking for anabolic support during rehab


New member
Hey guys, new here.

I have stickler syndrome, which is pretty similar to ehler-danlos syndrome. I have joint hypermobility/laxness which has caused me trouble in my neck, shoulders and hips.

Basically, the laxness caused to me to have a forward head, rounded shoulders and lordotic back posture all through my teenage and early adult years (27 now). As a result of this there is compensatory hypertrophy (delts, quads, gastrocnemius) and weakness and atrophy due to misuse (truncal muscles, triceps, cervical flexors, adductors). As a result, my gait is messed up and I am also in chronic pain doing daily things like walking, sitting etc. I have early signs of spondylosis in my neck and lower back which is probably due to the above. The atrophy is quite bad (especially my adductors, truncal muscles and triceps) that they initially thought there was some sort of dystrophic process or myopathy. Thankfully that wasn't the case.

Anyway, my goals are to rehab my muscle usage pattern through strengthening, as well as provide long term stability for my joints. I think that is pretty straightforward in terms of a rehab program but I am looking to take things to another level and end my suffering ASAP (I need to get out of disability and back to work).

Is there a particular anabolic substance you guys would recommend? I am looking for long lasting strength gains primarily for a solid base before I embark on long term maintenance naturally. My only concern would be my heart - I have mitral valve regurgitation and my elective surgery would probably be a year away. Also, would really not like to screw anything up my endocrine system, enough problems as it is lol.