Sticky situation- please help me out


New member
I realize how poorly planned out this first steroid cycle of mine is; I'd appreciate if you give constructive advise instead of flaming me.

I am 23 years old, weigh 196 pound, have ~12% body fat, and I am 6'0 tall. I've been lifting consistently for 4 years and have made significant gains over this time.

I decided to try my first steroid cycle with the plan of 75mg Anavar/day for 7 weeks, followed by Nolvadex for PCT.

As a result of my poor planning, I didn't receive the Nolvadex by the time my cycle ended because my supplier fucked up (yes, I realize I should have possessed the Nolva prior to beginning the cycle). However, my other friend had test E immediately on hand so I decided to inject 500mg on the 3rd to last day and another 500mg on the 2nd to last day of my cycle's end.

Without any PCT to bring my natural testosterone levels back to normal following the cycle's end, I figured I would extend the cycle with test E to maintain testosterone levels and avoid losing the gains I made on Anavar (when my Test levels drop to almost nothing). I understand that it takes 3-4 weeks for Test E to reach full effects, but I've read that testosterone levels begin to increase in the bloodstream within 2-3 days upon injection, so this would at least maintain normal testosterone, and soon enhanced, levels of Test until I was able to begin PCT. I chose to inject such a high load of Test E based on the principles of "frontloading", hoping the Test would get in my system faster.

Next, I learned from my supplier that he was unable to supply Nolvadex but sent me Exemestane/aromasin.

I understand this is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so I plan to take 25mg when I receive this tomorrow to avoid any any estrogenic effects from the Test E. I will be able to obtain Nolvadex, Clomid, or nearly any other drug for PCT in 2 weeks.

My goal is to end this cycle smoothly, avoid any estrogenic side effects, and maintain as much of my gains as possible in addition to imposing as little harm to my body as possible.

Could anyone please provide any suggestions as to what I should do given the supplies I currently have and the time it will take for me to receive new ones?

I realize I fucked this up bad but I would greatly appreciate any advice from some more knowledgeable members of this forum to help me in this sticky situation.
drop the test E and wait for your pct... dont use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you dont feel like your nipples are sensitive or w/e side effect high estrogen cause
Wow I don't even know where to begin. Look for the red banner at the top of the forum...RUI. They are a site sponsor and get clomid and Nolva from them, called liquid clomi and liquid tamox. Use clomid at 50/50/25/25 and 40/40/20/20 <---those are mg amounts each day for each week so 50mg ED week 1 for clomid, same for week 2, then 25mg ED for week 3 and 4
No they are oral SERMs. Do NOT inject them. You'll get an oral dropper with your order to measure it out and shoot it in your mouth or mix with a drink.
Var suppressed your HPTA and leave you with little to no test production naturally. Injecting test at the end gave you some testosterone but only serves to lengthen suppression of HPTA. Nolva and clomid will help restore your natural test production