Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and have been taking in a lot of great information and advice!
I was 22 and 160 lbs when I started lifting. I have cycled a total of three times at the age of 25, 26 with test.e and deca...which bumped me up to 193lbs.
I am now 36yrs. old and learning more about food than i ever wanted to know!
13% bf
I've been following a high protein, low fat diet.
Meal1- 6:00am .5cup of oatmeal,1/4cup raisins,one banana,bagel w/pb.
Meal2-9:00am 6oz.yoplait yogurt,1cup cottage cheese,4 egg whites.
Meal3-12:00pm 8oz.steak or chicken,1.5cup veggies, apple or orange.
Meal3-2:00pm protein bar or pb crackers.
Meal4-4:00pm juice and Halodrol mt
5:00pm lift
Meal 5-6:30sh Protein shake (pro complex)or(nitro core) .5cup oatmeal.
Meal 6-7:30 8oz.steak or chicken 1cup veggies.
Snacks include cashews or high protein bars.
I want to cycle in a month with test.e and deca. followed with Nolvadex and Halodrol .
My last cycle was 10yrs.ago with no knowledge of anti-e's or what to eat.
My goal is to be a lean 195lbs. and I know there is a lot more I need to learn , especially about food !So i will end this by saying thanks to all for the great info.
I was 22 and 160 lbs when I started lifting. I have cycled a total of three times at the age of 25, 26 with test.e and deca...which bumped me up to 193lbs.
I am now 36yrs. old and learning more about food than i ever wanted to know!
13% bf
I've been following a high protein, low fat diet.
Meal1- 6:00am .5cup of oatmeal,1/4cup raisins,one banana,bagel w/pb.
Meal2-9:00am 6oz.yoplait yogurt,1cup cottage cheese,4 egg whites.
Meal3-12:00pm 8oz.steak or chicken,1.5cup veggies, apple or orange.
Meal3-2:00pm protein bar or pb crackers.
Meal4-4:00pm juice and Halodrol mt
5:00pm lift
Meal 5-6:30sh Protein shake (pro complex)or(nitro core) .5cup oatmeal.
Meal 6-7:30 8oz.steak or chicken 1cup veggies.
Snacks include cashews or high protein bars.
I want to cycle in a month with test.e and deca. followed with Nolvadex and Halodrol .
My last cycle was 10yrs.ago with no knowledge of anti-e's or what to eat.
My goal is to be a lean 195lbs. and I know there is a lot more I need to learn , especially about food !So i will end this by saying thanks to all for the great info.