Stopping & Starting Mid Cycle Questions?


New member
Hi All!

Age: 24
Height: 5 11
Weight: 210lbs
BF%: 12%


Weeks 1-12 500mg/week Test Enanthate
Weeks 1-4 30mg Dbol ED
Weeks 5-12 50mg Winstrol ED
Weeks 7-12 1000cc HCG/week
Weeks 14-18 50mg Clomid ED
Weeks 14-18 25mg Nolvadex ED

So heres my situation..

I had a sudden recent death in the family in which I had to pack up and leave across the country for roughly 2.5 weeks. I did not have the time to ship my gear with me and I didn't want to risk packing it with my checked luggage. I brought my orals with me and have continued taking the correct dosage for the time I've been away. I have also stuck with my weekly routine training 6 days a week and have noticed no changes in strength.

NOTE: Stopped at the end of week 6 and did one last pin day of flight.

My question is: Is it safe to begin my cycle again from where I left off? OR should I begin my PCT right away? Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
I am not taking an AI but am taking a liver support supplement, Liv 52. Would you recommend I get my hands on an AI? I know when running dbol and hcg, gyno can be common.
An AI isn't something you keep on hand while running a cycle. Its something you run concurrently during the cycle.
I know you are supposed to run it concurrently. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to run it now with my current cycle or if its too late.
You didn't state if it was your first cycle but give this a read:

Like tbone said your best bet is probably to abort this cycle and start PCT.

As for getting an AI I would and if you end up not using it you'll just have some left over for your next cycle. I'm thinking you should stop the orals to.

Hopefully a more experienced member will chime in on this ^^^^

I would get blood work done when you get back checking tt, E2 and liver panel to see where your at. I hope you were taking some type of liver support.

Since you'll be gone 2.5 weeks by the time you get back you'd probably be good to go on starting PCT since it will be about 17 days since your last pin.

Clomid 55(100)/50(100)/50/50 some guys like 100 to give a boost
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Good luck and sorry for your loss
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