Strength/Cutting Cycle


New member
This is my 3rd cycle. It will be more of a strength cycle, and a bit of cutting.

Just took 2 weeks off from the gym in order to recover from a minor injury, so lost a bit of strength.

Will keep you guys updated on the cycle.


Tren e week 1-13 450mg/week
Test e week 1-13 750mg/week
Winstrol (oral) week 1-3 60mg/day (got some left over from a friend wanted to give it a try).
Halotestin week 3-7 20mg/day

Current stats:
200 lbs
13% body fat
Bench press: 275x5 (it was 295x4 before taking time off the gym).


215 lbs
9-10% bodyfat
Bench press: 405x2

Cycle history:

1)Test e 12 weeks 500mg/week + dbol 4 weeks 40mg/day
2)Test e 12 weeks 500mg/week + deca 10 weeks 400mg/week + dbol 4 weeks 40mg/day
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Current just began week 2 today. I am up 5lbs without any bodyfat gain. Muscles feel harder and I really like the pumps I get from Winstrol (winny), not enjoying the minor headaches though.

Shots are painful as hell, I am running TNT 400mg/ml (250 test e and 150 tren e) and my quads were sore as shit for 4-5 days. Had to switch spots and will be rotating site injection if the pain keeps up. I'm going to try diluting it with some b-12 and see how that works. I can handle the pain though, it will not stop me ! No pain, no gains.