stroke surviver needs advice


im 35, had a hemorrhagic stroke 3 yrs ago. had 3 cycles under my belt, only cutters never bulking, since im pretty genetically gifted. now im on permanent cholesterol pills and blood thinners aspirin. I started lifting 8 months ago. i want to do a 8week cycle. Has any stroke survivor done any cycles after their stroke. if so, plz share knowledge. this is the cycle im contemplating on doing. Very low dose just to get my muscles back in action.
50mg tren ace eod
100testprop eod
1g aremidex eod or ed
vitaminb complex injectable
Advanced cycle support
mad water perfect diet
Stats: 5'11
220pds 18%bf
19.5' arms

goal 190s, 1 digit BF
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I'm sure somebody on this board has had a stroke and continued with aas- doesn't mean it's a good idea. Why role the dice? You stated you are gifted genetically, can you be statisfied with that?

When you had your stroke did you doctors know about your aas use?

Your proposed cycle includes way too much Armidex- your estradiol would be crashed in a week. What were your previous 3 cycles?
I wouldn't do it.

I lost a family member to a stroke. Someone I loved more than anyone.

If you're lucky enough to be able to do anything after a stroke then you shouldn't be thinking about using aas.

Just think how much you would be regretting it the next time around if you lose complete function of one side of your body.

Then you could be telling stories of how genetically gifted you were.

If you could still talk at all.

The worst thing I ever seen was what somebody goes through after a stroke.

Good luck and be safe.
Thanks for the reply.
I meant gifted as in I never needed a bulking cycle.
Yes they know I was on AAS, but they don't know exactly what caused it I'm sure it contributed, I think the liquid Arimidex I was using was fake. Now i got a reliable source. my past cycles were.
Tren only 100mg eod 3months first cycle I ever did 24 years old. Pretty stupid I know.
Second cycle Tren prop 100 milligrams eod winstrol 50mgs ed clen ,t3
Third was prop and Tren 100 milligrams each every other day
then i cruised for 3 months 250 milligrams test e.
I never did a proper PCT I have to admit it
All of this was in the course of 8 years.
Thanks a lot for that I appreciate it. And I'm sorry for your lost. I actually lost all function in my left side. But been working out very hard these past 8 months but my left side still weak that's why I was thinking of doing another cycle a small cycle only 8 weeks
Today, 09:34 AM #5
ken35 ken35 is online now

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Thanks a lot for that I appreciate it. And I'm sorry for your lost. I actually lost all function in my left side. But been working out very hard these past 8 months but my left side still weak that's why I was thinking of doing another cycle a small cycle only 8 weeks
I wouldn't do it.

I lost a family member to a stroke. Someone I loved more than anyone.

If you're lucky enough to be able to do anything after a stroke then you shouldn't be thinking about using aas.

Just think how much you would be regretting it the next time around if you lose complete function of one side of your body.

Then you could be telling stories of how genetically gifted you were.

If you could still talk at all.

The worst thing I ever seen was what somebody goes through after a stroke.

Good luck and be safe.

Today, 09:34 AM #5
ken35 ken35 is online now

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May 2016
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Thanks a lot for that I appreciate it. And I'm sorry for your lost. I actually lost all function in my left side. But been working out very hard these past 8 months but my left side still weak that's why I was thinking of doing another cycle a small cycle only 8 weeks
I'm sure somebody on this board has had a stroke and continued with aas- doesn't mean it's a good idea. Why role the dice? You stated you are gifted genetically, can you be statisfied with that?

When you had your stroke did you doctors know about your aas use?

Your proposed cycle includes way too much Armidex- your estradiol would be crashed in a week. What were your previous 3 cycles?

Thanks for the reply.
I meant gifted as in I never needed a bulking cycle.
Yes they know I was on AAS, but they don't know exactly what caused it I'm sure it contributed, I think the liquid Arimidex I was using was fake. Now i got a reliable source. my past cycles were.
Tren only 100mg eod 3months first cycle I ever did 24 years old. Pretty stupid I know.
Second cycle Tren prop 100 milligrams eod winstrol 50mgs ed clen ,t3
Third was prop and Tren 100 milligrams each every other day
then i cruised for 3 months 250 milligrams test e.
I never did a proper PCT I have to admit it
All of this was in the course of 8 years.
Talk to your doc about this is first priority. And if you decide to do it i would use test only. Tren is the most powerful compound out there. So i would definitely not use tren.
I would be really concerned about the co-morbidities when cycling if I had previously had a stroke. Elevated hematocrit and estadiol. High blood pressure. Horrible lipids. Impaired kidney and liver function. And so on. Cycling puts significant stress on your body.
Talk to your doc about this is first priority. And if you decide to do it i would use test only. Tren is the most powerful compound out there. So i would definitely not use tren.

thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. And yes I will most definitely consult with him
I would highly recommend to stay away from steroids after having a stroke. I think using steroids is something you should not even consider from this point on. You can still work out and get a great physique without steroids. Using steroids after a stroke is just way to risky and not worth it at all.
Buddy of mine had a stroke at age of 22. Multiple cycles. Improper cycle periods and supports. No PCT. lots of stims including cocaine. He has no function on whole half of body. AAS and stims were direct cause. Very sad. Wouldn't rec anyone who dodged that bullet once before to gamble it all over once more.
Good luck on your journey. Positive vibes my friend
I would highly recommend to stay away from steroids after having a stroke. I think using steroids is something you should not even consider from this point on. You can still work out and get a great physique without steroids. Using steroids after a stroke is just way to risky and not worth it at all.

Thank you for the advice.
The frustrating thing is that my body doesn't respond like it used to. Eight months and I still haven't lost a pound my diet is perfect, I even did clenbuterol. I will be getting a blood test may be my test levels are low
Clen is very hard on your heart man you should stay away from anything thats going to put strain on your heart. I would recommend hitting up our diet coach 3j and getting on one of his diet programs I've seen alot of great results with his programs. You might have a great diet but I'm sure he could still get you some good results.
yes it is i got little results with clen dis 2weeks on 2 off, never did over 100mcg but not doing it again, i even did eca but still not what i was hopping 4. not planing on doing clen nor eca anymore. That's why I was thinking of running a small dosesmall cycle. It's pretty frustrating I was always one digit body fat pretty big dude Always In Shape. Diet always in check.
Went to my doc, blood work was ok. bp is 105/70. so i started prop 100mg eod will not use tren , will b adding var latter on dex 1g eod iron mag cycle support and b complex. just doing a 8 week cycle
drop dex to 0.25-0.5mg eod IMO

take caution here. i would avoid orals. a mild test deca cycle maybe. and go for bloods often atleast