4th cycle tren ace question


Mini Rocky
This will be my 4th cycle
1st: Test E 500mg for 15 weeks, with Test Prop for weeks 16-17 into pct. Had var for 8 weeks for 50mg. Nova/clomid pct except i stopped pct a week early. No hcg, used armidex.
2nd: Prop/NPP Prop I think was 150 EOD 12 weeks, while NPP was 125 EOD 10 weeks. Added Tbol to this for 6 weeks at 50mg. Nova/clomid pct, hcg use, liquidex used. Had to restart clomid for 2 months after pct, bad recovery.
3rd: Prop cycle at 600mg for 12 weeks, with tbol added 80mg for 5 weeks. Ran nova for 6 weeks, and clomid for 8-9 weeks. HCG was in use but like other cycles, half dosing. Armidex rarely used.

My 4th cycle; im just sticking with Test-E for 12 weeks at 750mg, with prop kick start for first 4. No oral, use of nova, and clomid regular pct except clomid for extra month. Armidex on hand, double hcg

My question is, my 5th cycle i was hoping to use tren ace. But I hear people complain of Tren sides, people say to use tren ace because if yuou have sides its out of your system fast. I was possibly thinking of running tren ace this cycle for 2-3 weeks to see if i get sides, then quit with the tren ace to save for fully next cycle. Just using the tren ace to see if i can manage next cycle. Is this a bad idea?

Stats; 27, 5'4, 205lbs, 18% bf
On paper that makes sense, but in reality the side effects depend on more than just taking the compound. Dosing, length of time on the compound, injection frequency, and even other compounds run simultaneously with tren (highly aromatizing AAS for instance) can all impact how you fare.

Honestly, the side effects are greatly exaggerated to a point (mental ones are understated imo), and the only way you're going to find out not only if you can tolerate tren, but where your "sweet spot" is - is by running it in a cycle.

Keep in mind too that some folks report different reactions to enanthate (I don't really see a difference, other than *maybe* less cough) from acetate. So if the plan was to switch it up after getting a feel with ace, that may not work as well as hoped for either.

My .02c :)
I'm finishing up my last two weeks of ace. Halfwit is right. The only way to know is to fully run it. I like short esters, and that's why I run ace, but for your first go def run ace. The mental sides are the worst. I sweat like a pig for the few hours of sleep I get too, but I have always had problems sleeping so I'm not too mad about that. I'm just super aggressive and horny as a fuck. The mental sides are why a lot of guys quit. If you can't pause and count to ten then you might get into some trouble. Just start at 50ed and see where it takes you about week 3. You should start to lose sleep and be sweating like a pig then, and if you can make it through that then you get another test in a week or two when you get upset over something small. Just BE CONSCIENTIOUS of the fact that you are on tren. That helps me calm down cuz then I just laugh and think to myself, "I could kill everyone in this gym with my bare hands and they have no idea...fucking tren!" lol. I am also a bit crazy....good luck!
I'm finishing up my last two weeks of ace. Halfwit is right. The only way to know is to fully run it. I like short esters, and that's why I run ace, but for your first go def run ace. The mental sides are the worst. I sweat like a pig for the few hours of sleep I get too, but I have always had problems sleeping so I'm not too mad about that. I'm just super aggressive and horny as a fuck. The mental sides are why a lot of guys quit. If you can't pause and count to ten then you might get into some trouble. Just start at 50ed and see where it takes you about week 3. You should start to lose sleep and be sweating like a pig then, and if you can make it through that then you get another test in a week or two when you get upset over something small. Just BE CONSCIENTIOUS of the fact that you are on tren. That helps me calm down cuz then I just laugh and think to myself, "I could kill everyone in this gym with my bare hands and they have no idea...fucking tren!" lol. I am also a bit crazy....good luck!

I may or may not have thought that on occasion.. :spin:
thinking and typing skills suck

Honestly, the side effects are greatly exaggerated to a point (mental ones are understated imo) Amen. I had very little side effects, except some wild dreams

Keep in mind too that some folks report different reactions to enanthate
No issues here, but HAVE talked to people who can't run E because of the sides
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Oh yeah....The fucking dreams! Last night was one of those wild nights. If you do actually sleep be ready for some vivid insane dreams.
I was thinking of adding in some tren ace this summer with my cycle but I can be an Ahole with out any gear
I was thinking of adding in some tren ace this summer with my cycle but I can be an Ahole with out any gear

Yeah, I don't subscribe to the "roid rage" horseshit that we've been fed by the antidrug folks through the media - BUT, you certainly have to slow your roll a bit with tren.

Example (keep in mind I'm pretty chill normally): I'm walking up to the gym last night, and see this guy and his wife about to make it to the door at the same time. Being nice, I walk a little faster to open it for them. The guy looks at me, and refuses to take the door I have opened for them; instead, he opens the other door and insists his wife go through.

I think it's silly, but move on mentally as I'm more concerned with getting to my training. I then realize (or at least THINK I realize) that the two are constantly working out in my vicinity, and he's constantly trying to one-up me with weight. He's slamming the dumbbells to the ground, grunting and making a big show for his girl, while watching to see (or is he?) if I'm making eyes at his wife between sets.

After an hour or so, I start to get irritated - and debate on making a comment about how while his wife is indeed gorgeous - I have absolutely no interest, and I'm there just to do my thing.

I get up, see him watch me walk in his direction - then I head to the water fountain as I KNOW that it's just tren playing games with my noggin. I'm pretty sure that the couple were just doing their thing, and it's not like dudes don't normally scan the room for competition. I brush it off, and get back to my thing - but I could have easily gone the other way if I hadn't paused for a second and thought about it.

I love tren's abilities to help sculpt the human body, but if you're hot under the collar normally, take the time to think things through before doing something silly.

My .02c :)
Yeah, I don't subscribe to the "roid rage" horseshit that we've been fed by the antidrug folks through the media - BUT, you certainly have to slow your roll a bit with tren.

Example (keep in mind I'm pretty chill normally): I'm walking up to the gym last night, and see this guy and his wife about to make it to the door at the same time. Being nice, I walk a little faster to open it for them. The guy looks at me, and refuses to take the door I have opened for them; instead, he opens the other door and insists his wife go through.

I think it's silly, but move on mentally as I'm more concerned with getting to my training. I then realize (or at least THINK I realize) that the two are constantly working out in my vicinity, and he's constantly trying to one-up me with weight. He's slamming the dumbbells to the ground, grunting and making a big show for his girl, while watching to see (or is he?) if I'm making eyes at his wife between sets.

After an hour or so, I start to get irritated - and debate on making a comment about how while his wife is indeed gorgeous - I have absolutely no interest, and I'm there just to do my thing.

I get up, see him watch me walk in his direction - then I head to the water fountain as I KNOW that it's just tren playing games with my noggin. I'm pretty sure that the couple were just doing their thing, and it's not like dudes don't normally scan the room for competition. I brush it off, and get back to my thing - but I could have easily gone the other way if I hadn't paused for a second and thought about it.

I love tren's abilities to help sculpt the human body, but if you're hot under the collar normally, take the time to think things through before doing something silly.

My .02c :)

Ya maybe he was opening the other door as well to show his respect to her. Not giving her a chance to think I wish my man opened doors for me. Also could be just outa habbit that he opens every door for her. She probably got damp over that whole deal. Not to mention you two working out in front of her. He probably went home and pounded her like he was pounding those weights. She was probably wishing youda got some too. The hotter the chick the more horny she gets. And the ones that get on that thigh master machine whoa shit i know where to stick it.
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Yeah, I don't subscribe to the "roid rage" horseshit that we've been fed by the antidrug folks through the media - BUT, you certainly have to slow your roll a bit with tren.

Example (keep in mind I'm pretty chill normally): I'm walking up to the gym last night, and see this guy and his wife about to make it to the door at the same time. Being nice, I walk a little faster to open it for them. The guy looks at me, and refuses to take the door I have opened for them; instead, he opens the other door and insists his wife go through.

I think it's silly, but move on mentally as I'm more concerned with getting to my training. I then realize (or at least THINK I realize) that the two are constantly working out in my vicinity, and he's constantly trying to one-up me with weight. He's slamming the dumbbells to the ground, grunting and making a big show for his girl, while watching to see (or is he?) if I'm making eyes at his wife between sets.

After an hour or so, I start to get irritated - and debate on making a comment about how while his wife is indeed gorgeous - I have absolutely no interest, and I'm there just to do my thing.

I get up, see him watch me walk in his direction - then I head to the water fountain as I KNOW that it's just tren playing games with my noggin. I'm pretty sure that the couple were just doing their thing, and it's not like dudes don't normally scan the room for competition. I brush it off, and get back to my thing - but I could have easily gone the other way if I hadn't paused for a second and thought about it.

I love tren's abilities to help sculpt the human body, but if you're hot under the collar normally, take the time to think things through before doing something silly.

My .02c :)

Exactly. I am as chill as they get, but something about tren. Maybe it's sleeping less than I already am used to, maybe it's the fact that I feel like a superior god to everyone else, and that they should bow to me. Whatever it is, just think, and keep grounded.
I would run the tren A with Test Prop for 5 weeks and see how you feel. I have run Tren A and Tren E and with the tren E i like to run it in lower doses like 200-300mgs wk with Test C at 200mgs wk. Sides are minimal and gains are good. Now if you want to get super huge you will need higher dose but sides can get kind of annoying.
In my personal experience with Tren Ace, I've barely experienced much of the bad sides.. Only sides i noticed were the occasional heartburn when its bedtime and maybe some vivid dreams. Guess i'm lucky! Glad you're going with the acetate first tho to test the waters.
lol @ halfwit's story... pretty sure I ran in to a guy on tren at the gym last night. group of guys were standing next to a seated row machine, said they weren't using it so I hopped on, dude comes flying over from across the gym jumping off another machine and aggressively runs up to me saying "i'm using that"... I bert stared him for a minute and gave him an oooooooook (not sure how he was managing that from across the gym and I had been eyeing it for at least 10 mins with nobody using it) he saw I was looking at him like he was an ass and said "I guess you can work in when I'm not using it." I searched for a machine that would do something similar and couldn't find a free one so I took him up on it and jumped on while he was occupying at least 3 other machines at once. I finished up and he walked over as I walked away, I said "thanks I'm all done now", he walked right past me rolled his eyes and was mumbling angrily under his breath. Funny part is dude looked like CHIT and I was out lifting him at just about everything and I've never touched any AAS.
Of course right after i post that I hardly have any sides, I just got my first 'tren cough' tonight.. gotta love that metallic taste leading up to it.