stroke surviver needs advice

thanks will drope the dex, i just want to loose fat mostly thats why i want to add var 50-80mg ed for last 4 weeks, deca gets me bloated. just trying to get leaner im happy with my size 20inch guns 217pds 17% bf, my goal is to keep as much muscle as posible and get to at least 10%bf,
thanks will drope the dex, i just want to loose fat mostly thats why i want to add var 50-80mg ed for last 4 weeks, deca gets me bloated. just trying to get leaner im happy with my size 20inch guns 217pds 17% bf, my goal is to keep as much muscle as posible and get to at least 10%bf,
Risky.. you are your own best judge. Grandmother suffered from a stroke and personally its something I dont want to ever have to deal with. Best wishes to you man!
Risky.. you are your own best judge. Grandmother suffered from a stroke and personally its something I dont want to ever have to deal with. Best wishes to you man!
sorry about your grandmother, yes it sucks i just need to do it. just to get that bust, what pct do you recomend
Hey so we should stay away from women too?

I would, but that whole vagina thing keeps me coming back! :(

OP, please keep up on blood work dude. You're taking a risk for the sake of taking it, and while I do understand - health always should be your first priority. Lose the iron supplement by the way, you won't need it if you're eating properly, and a tremendous rise in hemoglobin can spell disaster for you.
pct anyone?. im on my 2nd week prop 100mg eod, .50dex eod will add var latter on. only 8 week cycle. what pct should i do
That seems like a lot of Adex. You should get bloods drawn to see where your e2 is. With your health risks there isn't room for guesswork. Do your due diligence and homework. You should have your pct planned out and meds in hand before your first pin. I don't wanna seem dickish man (and I know THESE things won't kill you) but don't play fast and loose with your life.

I was never in favor of you cycling and at this point I'd love just to see you dot the i's and cross the t's in everything you do.
That seems like a lot of Adex. You should get bloods drawn to see where your e2 is. With your health risks there isn't room for guesswork. Do your due diligence and homework. You should have your pct planned out and meds in hand before your first pin. I don't wanna seem dickish man (and I know THESE things won't kill you) but don't play fast and loose with your life.
I was never in favor of you cycling and at this point I'd love just to see you dot the i's and cross the t's in everything you do.
Thanks for the support guys. I have one gram Arimidex capsules how should i take it? My last blood test was perfect hdl ldl normal everything else is perfect, will be getting the next one in 2 weeks. Please guys help me with a PCT, I take cholesterol medicine as a result of my stroke. Blood pressure under control on 108/ 70s any other advice. i left the tren out. too strong.
good bro. bp is normal 110/70s no water or minimal ret. gained about5pds , i will b adding var the last 6 weeks 80/100mg ed. i just need a good pct. nolva clomid hgc ?
update, hey guys. so i been on prop 100md eod for 6 weeks and added tren low dose 50mg for obvious for 2 weeks now. blood work is good, bp too. i been on be strict diet pretty much a cutting diet since I started my cycle. For example. breakfast, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/4 cp oatmeal, half a banana scp of protein 30 grams. Lunch 6 ounces of chicken with a sweet potato and a small salad. Afternoon I repeat instead of chicken I have tilapia. Before I go to bed I ate some cottage cheese with cashews. So that's pretty much my diet. but, I started dieting at 217pds now im 225 bf 18%. My main goal was to get lean and keep as much mass as I can but I keep gaining weight. any suggestions.
I have to tell you this cycle is just stupid. You have no business running a cycle. Your goal is easy to hit with out risking your life. MCT oil is a refind coca nut oil that puts your body in ketosis. Drop the steroids and seek professional help you need to see a psychiatrist. The fact that you think loosing weight like this is worth risking your life is very telling. Grow up. Spent you money on a professionaly designed diet. I'm really disapointed to hear you started cycle. You should be smarter than that. These clowns didn't experence a stroke. You are lucky you can type. Most poeple who survive a stroke are permenantly damaged. Fact once you have had a stroke you are 90% more likly to have another one than someone who hasn't had one.

I will also go as far as to state unless someone on this forum has a medial degree and takes you on as a patient then any advise given to you is not given to you from a medical professional and if taken is done at your own risk.
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update, hey guys. so i been on prop 100md eod for 6 weeks and added tren low dose 50mg for obvious for 2 weeks now. blood work is good, bp too. i been on be strict diet pretty much a cutting diet since I started my cycle. For example. breakfast, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/4 cp oatmeal, half a banana scp of protein 30 grams. Lunch 6 ounces of chicken with a sweet potato and a small salad. Afternoon I repeat instead of chicken I have tilapia. Before I go to bed I ate some cottage cheese with cashews. So that's pretty much my diet. but, I started dieting at 217pds now im 225 bf 18%. My main goal was to get lean and keep as much mass as I can but I keep gaining weight. any suggestions.

See post #10 about co-morbidities. Tren is the worst when it comes to these. You made a very bad choice.
First you said that you were not going to do tren
Then you add it in? Wtf?

You do know that you can easily lose weight with diet and exercise.
People do it all the time....
All I can say is that I think your stroke damaged a part of your brain that is for reasoning things... that's the only explaination for this
hey guys, so i finished my cycle, tren, prop and masteron, bp was 110/70s the entire cycle, diet was perfect, stats started 225pds 19%bf. 19inch arms now 210pds 20.5 inch arms bf. arouns 12% blood test looks good. this was my last cycle ever. thanks for the support guys
hey guys, so i finished my cycle, tren, prop and masteron, bp was 110/70s the entire cycle, diet was perfect, stats started 225pds 19%bf. 19inch arms now 210pds 20.5 inch arms bf. arouns 12% blood test looks good. this was my last cycle ever. thanks for the support guys

Glad too see you're still with us....

Kinda surprised too see you even added another compound towards the end.

Blood pressure surely isn't the only stroke concern with AAS use... did you donate blood or monitor your HEMO/HCT well on cycle? Please say you had a CBC done. Going to do any post cycle labs?

Surprised no one mentioned this before but have you had your test levels checked? Giving your past history or cycling without a proper PCT there is a good chance you are hypogonadal.