Strugglin where to obtain a good diet plan


New member
My eating habbits are good and healthy, however I can never really set up a good diet plan. I just normally eat alot of eggs/chicken breast/salmon/steaks/potatoes and my shakes.

Can anyone refer me to a website/ person/bussiness etc where a nutrionnist can write out a proper diet plan 4me??I kind of dont feel like going to the biggest guy in the gym and asking him if he can write one out for me in the kindness of his heart.

Are there any alternatives tho??
Or can anyone on this forum write one up for me. Im willing to follow.
21- 180 medium build/lean(hardgainer) and wanting to increase lean mass.
i'd say post up your average daily intake for food and supplements.

then people can critique it and offer suggestions from there.
if you are already eating healthy, the formula is pretty simple..........

- eat complex carbs, protein, healthy fats in the morning and surrounding your training (before/after)
- all other meals, minimal carbs and mostly protein, healthy fats
- do a refeed day (unlimited complex carbs) every 10 days or so (on leg or back day)
- do a no carb day once or twice a week, do not train on these days
- carbs from fiber shouldn't be counted as normal carbs

adjust the amounts of intake (mainly carbs) if you aren't gaining/leaning out as you desire......

counting cals and macros is a complete pain in the ass and really is not that effective to carb cycling from my experience.
jlozan84 said:
if you are already eating healthy, the formula is pretty simple..........

- eat complex carbs, protein, healthy fats in the morning and surrounding your training (before/after)
- all other meals, minimal carbs and mostly protein, healthy fats
- do a refeed day (unlimited complex carbs) every 10 days or so (on leg or back day)
- do a no carb day once or twice a week, do not train on these days
- carbs from fiber shouldn't be counted as normal carbs

adjust the amounts of intake (mainly carbs) if you aren't gaining/leaning out as you desire......

counting cals and macros is a complete pain in the ass and really is not that effective to carb cycling from my experience.

sounds good, but i dont want to cut to many carbs... i want to eat enough to gain muscle rather than losing it u know. but i dont know how
OC Cartel said:
i'd say post up your average daily intake for food and supplements.

then people can critique it and offer suggestions from there.

breakfast- 2 pieces whole wheat toast/egg whites
meal 2- Weight gainer 3 scoops(40 grams pro/50 grams carbs) "n-large"
meal 3- cup 1/2 rice/chicken breast or salmon
meal 4- sometype of food like a sandwich or somethin, or oatmeal and egg whites(this is about an hour before a workout, I can't eat to much cause I like to work out on a semi-empty stomach)
meal 5- Weight gainer 3 scoops(40 grams pro/50 grams carbs) "n-large" right after workout
meal 6- 1/2 hr or 1 hr after my workout- potatoes/steak or chicken breast

this is simple diet pritty much. Im on test e and winnie too, so its not a strick diet just simple you know nothing is strictly measured only measured by the eye. I was wondering if someone or a nutrionist can write a perfect diet plan to follow and use to gain lean mass.
Hope this helps
well eating carbs is fun.. it makes food enjoyable.. but eating the wrong carbs can be bad.. and eating carbs at wrong time can be too.. I get alot of my information from...

I think its ok for me to give him that link.. i hope so at least cause its some really good information.
Sir-Lift-Alot said:
sounds good, but i dont want to cut to many carbs... i want to eat enough to gain muscle rather than losing it u know. but i dont know how
I just told you how. lol is a complete waste of time.

why the fuck are you on gear if you can't even figure out how to gain weight.
jlozan84 said: is a complete waste of time.

why the fuck are you on gear if you can't even figure out how to gain weight.

i take like the minimum dosages dude!! its used for my endurance and shit I dont go to crazy, and if u noticed on the top I eat alot just my foods are not measured. There is no law that u have to eat a certain amount every single meal for every single day while ur taking gear/depending what your goals are, but im not going back into what Im eating again. If there is a law, show it to me, but for now Ill do it my way cause my way has been helping me gain weight and increasing my performance, with a better diet or eating plan it will just increase my results BRAAAA....
theincredible1 said:
well eating carbs is fun.. it makes food enjoyable.. but eating the wrong carbs can be bad.. and eating carbs at wrong time can be too.. I get alot of my information from...

I think its ok for me to give him that link.. i hope so at least cause its some really good information.

bodybuilding is alright, but alot of their shit is just junk and advertisement sometimes. but some articles are alright.
there is plenty of good info on, but you have to find it. theres are much better boards out there.

your calorie level should be somewhere in the 3200-3500 neighborhood.

your food choices are fine. you could up the fat (peanut butter, olive oil, fish oil, etc) though. I just eyeballed your diet, but calories look a little on the low side for gaining weight. Get them into the 32-3500 neighborhood (if theyre not already) and go from there. If youre not gaining weight on 3500 calories (which i doubt will be the case), add 500 more. I would also eat less carbs on off days.
Suareezay said:
there is plenty of good info on, but you have to find it. theres are much better boards out there.

your calorie level should be somewhere in the 3200-3500 neighborhood.

your food choices are fine. you could up the fat (peanut butter, olive oil, fish oil, etc) though. I just eyeballed your diet, but calories look a little on the low side for gaining weight. Get them into the 32-3500 neighborhood (if theyre not already) and go from there. If youre not gaining weight on 3500 calories (which i doubt will be the case), add 500 more. I would also eat less carbs on off days.

sounds good, i guess i should take one more scoop of weight 4 scoops is 50 grms pro/80 grams carbs. i normally take three because if i take the whole thing i bet i would just be shitting it out no?