Suggestions for cycle to gain muscle and cartilage after 4 years of illness


New member

I’m wondering about a cycle tailored for mass building after a sustained illness. Four years ago (2007) I was 6ft, 185LB, 11%BF and training for triathalons while in graduate school. I developed hypothyroidism after a sever illness, and am now 165LB, BF18%, basically the epitome of skinny-fat. It’s great to be on the right meds after wrestling with Docs telling me I didn’t have hypothyroidism and telling me it was all in my head (the standard upper TSH level of 5 is BS – nobody should be above 3!), but it will probably take a year for all the muscle and cartilage to grow back (I really just should have grabbed some cytomel of the interwebs myself). I’ve just started working after a year of being unemployed and basically living as a broke shut-in, and I would really like to finish my grad degree, but I’m still extremely tired and weak. Anyway, I have relatives who’ve been captured by pirates, so I guess I’m doing OK!

So obviously the first thing that comes to mind is HGH. I’m paying out the A$$ to cover my other bills, so that’s not really a possibility. The other thought is Anavar (var), which they give to AIDS patients to combat wasting. I would run this with T-en. However, Anavar (var) seems to be the most counterfitted gear out there, and it’s pricy (but not out of the question).

At the moment I really need to focus on something that will also increase collagen. I was looking through here about cartilage synth, and StoneColdNTO reposted AnimalMass’ recommendation of Deca, Anavar (var), Eq, and Primo for cartilage synthesis. Really, that post saved me like a month of searching – really publication quality. It seems that Deca, Eq, or Primo would work fine for what I need. These have been around for a while, are less expensive, and are less likely to be janky gear, and pins don’t bother me. I also wonder if the tests run in the medical establishment mostly use Anavar (var) because it came through the official “channels” rather than most AAS, which are mostly for BBers (which is a stupid reason to ignore all the great AAS), although the fact that Anavar (var) is a decent oral is also a factor. The cosmetic side effects of various AAS don’t particularly bother me, and I’ll certainly use preventatives and pct.

Anyway, I’d like to go as simply as possible for this first round, but I’m not adverse to stacking. It seems that anything run without T is pure foolishness. I came across an Anavar-Andriol cycle in one of Hart’s book that looks like this:

56mg/W -12IU/W
70mg/W- 28IU/W
70mg/W- 30IU/W
56mg/W- 28IU/W
35mg/W- 12IU/W

Total of 8 weeks.

However, this seems unbelievable, as most people run up to 50mg Anavar (var) PER DAY. So I imagine Hart was assuming 5mg Anavar (var) doses, which would multiply all the numbers by 5. As for Andriol, meh – again, no problem with pins.

So, I was thinking of a straight 10-week cycle:

WK1-10 20mg/day Anavar, 200mg T/E twice per week.
WK11-13 PCT tamoxifen

I could certainly increase the Anavar (var) and run the cycle longer. I’m not opposed to 50mg Var/D, but I’m not a big guy and I’m in crap shape. It looks like I could run this for under $400, which would be great.

Anyway, I’ve scoured the books and forums. I have a degree in molecular biology and a background in pharmacy, so I’m a relatively quick study. Oddly enough, despite the stack of pharmacology books I have, there’s very little about AAS, and forums like this seem to be the only earnest study of AAS. One can only hope this work will end up in the medical texts some day.

Hey Buddy,

First of let me tell you I feel deeply for you problems. It felt like reading a page out of my diary. I've gone through EXACTLY the same shit. Hyperthyroidism, torn tendons, worn down name it. And oh yea the doctors, they are the worst of em all. For 6 months I was told its all in my head before they did the test and I was right when the results came back. So again, feel really sorry for you.

The good news, you came to the right place. I've gotten myself out of a situation like this twice. One being just a few weeks away. (Arthritis and tendonitis on both arms, worn down cartilage on my elbows ect..) I'm fine now, no more pain. Able to push myself again in and out the gym. Going on PCT next week.

Alright enough about me, about your cycle. Anavar is a great drug for your sort of thing, but it won't cut it.
First and foremost you need HGH. That can be a problem, its hard to acquire legit quality HGH and its very costly. But I believe its the only way to get permanent improvements.
Deca will do a lot also as you mentioned and I'd also consider it a must. Make sure you eat a lot of collagen (gelatine) But a lot of the improvements that come from Deca are only temporarily. Hence the HGH. Of course with Deca you need Test. I prefer about twice as much Test as Deca. My weapon of choice: 600mg Test / 300-400mg Deca.

I think you get the idea of how the whole thing works. Here's the cycle I did twice to heal injuries and diseases associated with my joints which would have been permanent without gear.

Week 1-24: HGH 4uis' ED
Week 8-12: Test E 600mg / Deca 300mg
(Look up how frequent you need to inject / stop Deca 2 weeks before Test)

I didn't have Anavar, but absolutely throw that into the mix, its good stuff.
Play it safe, have Adex and Letro on hand, use Tamox if need be. Proviron is a great thing too for water retention.

Pregnyl / HCG is another thing you should strongly consider whenever Deca is involved. And don't forget that Deca has a longer half life than the Test. So stop taking Deca about 2 weeks before your last Test injection.

Cartilage is a tough nut to crack. I suggest a weekly HGH injection directly into the joint to get the best results. This is a tough thing to do, if you're not confident about it, then don't do it. You should still see improvements without.

Alright man, keep up the hope, you're doing the right thing by getting after this with AAS. Just keep the hyperthyroidism in check, get monthly check ups done if possible. If you run into issues, drop the roids and stick with the HGH only.

Good luck man!