suggestions on 3rd cycle good bad etc


New member
1-15 test e 600mg
1-12 deca 525mg
1-15 hcg 250iu 2x wks
1-12 aromisin 12.5ed

16 blast hcg 500iu 2x
17-20 nolv/clomid

Have prami on hand incase side from deca
Why stop the aromisin at week 12?
Also, do you mean 5,000 iu blast week 16?
You can run deca until week 13. Just stop it 2 weeks before you stop test
I don't pct, but I think the test needs more than a week to clear? Maybe start pct a week later.

Otherwise looks perfect to me.
Aromisin was mistake ment to say 1-15
Only have enoufh deca for 12 weeks.ill wait another week for pct. I only do 500iu hcg cause at 5000 that be 45.00 a shot
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Deca will be fine at 12 weeks if that's all you have. Your AI should run all the way up to PCT day.

Could you include your stats and goals. ?
1-15 test e 600mg
1-12 deca 525mg
1-16 hcg 250iu 2x wks
1-20aromisin 12.5ed

17 blast hcg 500iu 2x
18-21 nolv/clomid

Only goal is to get stronger. Last cycle I did was only 9 weeks but put 40 pounds on my bench.
Im 5'8 200pounds and 38 yesrs old
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