

New member
Just finished week 3 of sustanon cycle.. pinning EOD for a total for 600mg/week for 13 weeks. I have been clean for about 8 years. Have done about 5 cycles in my life and was at 250lbs at my biggest (17%bf.) I leaned down over the years and am 39 now. Prior to starting this cycle I ate extremely clean. Basically fruits veggies, lean protein, oatmeal, natty pb and healthy oils...I started off 3 weeks ago at 187lbs and now at 200lbs. prior to starting cycle was getting about 2,700 cal a day to maintain.. I have bumped it up to about 3,800ish...not sure if I should increase a bit more??. want to put on size, but not get "fat".. Obviously I am a bit smooth now (still fairly tight in the abs/obliques)..Here is my diet...I welcome your suggestions..

(pre-workout) meal 1: 6am- 2 scoops of optimum nutrition protein, apple, 1 tbs of natty pb- calories= 400 cal

(post workout) meal 2 protein shake= ( 2 scoops of Optimum Nutrition whey, banana, 1/2 cup oatmeal-all in blender) and 1 tbs of natty pb)= 600 cal.

#3- protein bar, cucumber, apple= 300 calories

meal#4 1/2 cup whole grain brown rice, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 cup of broccoli, 6 oz kidney beans and a grilled chicken breast. 600 calories

meal#5 same as # 2- 600 calories

meal #6 2 cans tuna, olive oil, sweet potato 600 calories OR 2 whole eggs, 8 whites, 1/2c broccoli, olive oil, slice of wheat bread

meal#7 Two flax/oatbran low carb joseph's pita pockets stuffed with lettuce and tomato and a grilled chicken breast, 1 cup oatmeal with scoop of optimum nutrition protein powder mixed in oatmeal...tastes unreal! 700 calories

also taking omegs fish oil

totals= 3,800 calories, 310 carbs, 320 grams protein ..80-90g fat
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Your going to want to get your BMR/TDEE in order to figure out how many calories your going to need to grow.

I would get some whole foods in pre-workout, the shake isnt enough, imo.

also the key to leaning up is cardio. How much cardio do you currently do?

Not sure what kind of ON protein your using but you should consider casein protein at meal 7 or stick a lean red beef or cottage cheese in there.
Your going to want to get your BMR/TDEE in order to figure out how many calories your going to need to grow.

I would get some whole foods in pre-workout, the shake isnt enough, imo.

also the key to leaning up is cardio. How much cardio do you currently do?

Not sure what kind of ON protein your using but you should consider casein protein at meal 7 or stick a lean red beef or cottage cheese in there.

thanks for the response..I am not trying to "lean up" cardio is very minimal..I want to put on some size not too much fat educate me... what does the acronym BMR/TDEE stand for.. thanks.
Without googling the acronyms I believe it's your basal metabolic rate=daily required calories (if you do nothing) to maintain your weight. Tdee=total daily energy expenditure ( caloric needs based on your activity level) check 3Js diet sticky in this forum. It's a wealth of knowledge. If you can handle the reading of all 30+ pages do it. Very informative. If not read post 1.

Btw: your food choices look solid. I would post up your macros for each meal. Stick those meals in and it's easy to figure out. Stick around for 3J he'll get you on the right track but to save you some time your gonna want to get your bmr/tdee and your macros.
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meal 1 needs replacing.. where are the carbs pre workout??

take the 1 cup of oats out of meal 7 and put it in meal 1...

feed ur body before ur workout.... the only time u dont have carbs before ur workout is in keto....