summer cycle, feedback please


New member
Hi guys,
I am starting a bulking cycle for the summer and need some feedback.
Age:22 weight/height:185/6'0 bf:14%


Test E 500mg/wk 1-16
Test Prop 200mg/wk 1-16
(700mg/wk) test total, I added prop just because I like the fast results that i'd get from it in the few first weeks
Equipoise 400mg/wk 1-16
Arimidex 0.5mg/ED 1-16 will be using 1mg in(8-14) weeks just to be in the safe side
Dbol 40mg/ED 1-4
Tren E 300mg/wk 8-14
Winny 40mg/ED 12-16
Liv-52 2 tabs/ED 6-16
1-1.5 gal of water/ED

Clomid 50mg 1-2/wk 25mg 3-4/wk
Nolva 40mg 1-2/wk 20mg 3-4/wk

I did a lot of research for this cycle please I need feedbacks, and please feel free to advise.
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Seems like it might be a little excessive even for a third cycle.. what were your first two cycles? What kid of gains did you get?
first cycle was test E 500/wk deca 300/wk for 8 weeks, second cycle was primo 400/wk sustanon 500/wk prop 200/wk eq 400/wk and tren a 400/wk 8 weeks. first cycle gave me about 20 pounds. second cycle gave me 25 pounds. I stopped going to the gym for like about 4 months lately i lost most of my gains from the first two cycles and now i'm back for 2 months and want to get on serious cycle to get my gains back and hopefully more.
my diet is about 3400 cals in workout days i used this source to make my diet.
rest days i'm eating about 2600 cals
Tren, two orals, EQ AND two different esters of testosterone??? Dude, you don't need that much AAS to grow unless you're fucking huge. I seriously think you're way overdoing it, especially given this is your third cycle. Why not just stick to a good tren/test with maybe an adrol kicker? It's your money and your health, but that just seems excessive to me.
Like Halfwit and Ryan have already said, this cycle is complete overkill. It's basically like you're taking everything you can get your hands on. You're only in your 3rd cycle so keep it more simple. Test/tren, test/deca, test/eq and add an oral maybe in there. There's no reason to be taking 6 different compounds!
Hmm, well i am taking EQ out with the Winistrol off my cycle. should I go for 16 weeks or 12? since i'm not using EQ anymore
Hmm, well i am taking EQ out with the Winistrol off my cycle. should I go for 16 weeks or 12? since i'm not using EQ anymore

I wouldn't go any longer than 16 with the test assuming you aren't on TRT. I'd imagine you'd run the tren for 8-10 weeks in there.