
can anyone tell me if you think this is 18% bodyfat?? i dont nknow whether to trust my bodyfat scales.
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Can u raise the camera a little next time pal but to answer your question, that looks way under 18%. Closer 10 or 11 at a guess.
thanks bro, i was always sceptical about the scales.

i was hoping to get down to 12% but on my scales that sounds crazy, i'd end up being only 6%. lol
goku_kakarot77 said:
are you natty have you ran any cycles,

ps looking good anyway

pics were taken a couple of weeks ago just before i started my first cycle which is winstrol.
ive been taking 3 x 10mg per day and will up that to 4 x 10mg for the next 2 weeks,
apart from a very slight increase in strength and an extra pump whilst working out i haven't noticed that much.

im 5'7, 155lbs and according to my scales 18% bodyfat but hoping its less than that.

think i might try an 8 week cycle of sus 250 next year.
looking good buddy...we are about the same size if i were to lean out a bit...looking good u plan on a bulf for winter ?
I dont really want 2 bulk up this winter, trying 2 lean bulk and gain weight slow and steady. I want 2 reduce my bf.
I am 25, i thought it was best 2 wait till my bones had fully developed before considering aas.
Your not wrong ingram, just started training legs 2 months ago, thighs now 21 and calves 14. Need 2 get them to 24 and 16 to get them upto par. I'll train my back and triceps more, thanks 4 the advice.
Thanks ingram, i'll post some pics soon of back and my skinny legs to shame myself into making big improvements. You look shredded in your pic, you cant be more than 3% bf.
don't be ashamed of posting leg pics even if it's not ur best part. actually, it's not a shameful thing. think about it, bro
Drako said:
you deffo need to work on those wheels bro, really lagging there

Thanks for your honesty i know there really behind, whats worse is that legs are my weakest body part genetically. my brother and dad have rubbish legs especially calves.
i will post some updated pics in about 6 months or so, im going to prioratise legs and train them 3 times every 14 days.
indeed. when I first lifted, it was all upper body and couldn't care less about legs due to:
1. pants/shorts covers them and won't be seen
2. girls don't hold on to your legs
3. being a pussy
4. being lazy

20 reps is the key