
Unfortunately due 2 working fulltime and studying in my spare time i cant invest anymore time than i do allready and due 2 financial commitments cant afford Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for the next 12 months so im gonna stick 2 training natty. I think i can still make a fair bit of progress training at home now my diet is in check and as i stated a while ago i havent been training legs that long. So my legs should still improve in shape and hopefully size a little. Im trying 2 do this with the modest weights i have available.
When my study is completed i should be able 2 afford gym membership. As i cant lift heavy at home im not gonna try 2 bulk up but concentrate at keeping my bf at around 10/11 % at 154 and try 2 improve on that. I'll post my training split and diet when i have time for you guys 2 critique and offer any tips for me 2 improve.