Super DMZ need help


New member
So im about to run a super dmz rx cycle. I have gotten gyno with methadrol extreme on cycle but it went away after, i was wondering if i would need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle to prevent this from happening? if so, what would you guys suggest?
hmm... thats a lot of superdrol molecules you got there haha.

anyways if you're REALLY concerned about gyno get some aromasin or arimidex. leave the letro alone, imo. OTC stuff isn't really worth it either imo.

run it at a low dose and up it if you really feel like you need it. IMO you should always taper on/off a stronger Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (stuff thats not OTC) to prevent estro rebound. that could cause gyno in itself.

to make sure you don't go overboard and kill all your estro, start way small and taper up till you're comfortable then taper down when your cycle ends.

that being said you do need some estro, so don't super dose it otherwise you're just gonna feel like shit and have destroyed joints, etc.
honestly after re reading i don't know if you actually had gyno on cycle or not. typically people if they actually have gyno will develop a tumor under their nipple and it won't go away. you may get nipple sensitivity and the like but you may be able to control that with a low dose of nolva on cycle too... too many options but it doesn't really sound like that much of an issue - maybe just keep something on hand if it get serious.
Just finished my bottle of super dmz. Gained a solid 15lbs. No issues of gyno as of yet. Starting my post cycle therapy (pct) with creatine ethyl ester and powerlabnutritiens pct2. I know my post cycle therapy (pct) is over the counter and basically just a bunch of hrrbs but i hope it will do.