Superdrol (Methasteron) misunderstanding

shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
I was using legalsteroids as an example of how you guys buy into the bullshit of advertising. You guys can call it what you want, and waste your money on Superdrol and waste your money on Clomid and Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) when its not needed. Save yourself some money and just buy 6 OXO for post cycle therapy (pct), If you are going to use an inferior pro hormone/designer steroid, whatever, buy an inferior product for post cycle therapy (pct).
why the hell would u waiste your $$ on 6oxo?? U can get nolva or clomid for about the same price. They should be used for a post cycle therapy (pct) and a post cycle therapy (pct) is needed even for superdrol, even if it is a legal still shuts u down. I'd rather not cut corners and try to save $$ on my post cycle therapy (pct). Go w/nolva or clomid.
If it shuts you down, it is obviously the real thing... and since it DOES shut you down, I think that speaks enough for itself.
I started using Superdrol about 5 weeks ago. I have never in my life seen the increase in performance in the gym. i know you are going to say, its illegal but I know someone that stocked up before it got banned. This stuff really does work.
You shouldnt stay on it for very long Heywood. You need to do a post cycle therapy (pct) and take a break for a few weeks.
Sup -New to the game, got superdrol before it went off the market but never used it due to back to back overseas deployment. I was always told never to use anything by itself. That i should stack it. I didnt even know what the heck stacking was. But If i were to stack superdrol what should i stack it with and how should i use it, and if i dont stack, would it still be effective as a stand alone supplement.
Right now all I'm using are otc supplements like cell mass and NOXplode and ON protein. Any recommendations on what i should take and how effective the stuff i am taking is? Any help is appreciated
as of right now its already discontinued, i only know one site that sells it and its super overpriced
Jaemn said:
Sup -New to the game, got superdrol before it went off the market but never used it due to back to back overseas deployment. I was always told never to use anything by itself. That i should stack it. I didnt even know what the heck stacking was. But If i were to stack superdrol what should i stack it with and how should i use it, and if i dont stack, would it still be effective as a stand alone supplement.
Right now all I'm using are otc supplements like cell mass and NOXplode and ON protein. Any recommendations on what i should take and how effective the stuff i am taking is? Any help is appreciated

Cell Mass and NOXplode are garbage, stop wasting your money.

Superdrol is not worth the sides... you would be better off just getting Test; cost you about the same and youd be a lot happier.
Don't bother

This completely overpriced nonsense doesn't work.If your talking about the company I think you are.They have no proof and just name the stuff to look like the gear.Eat right and train hard.Protien and creatine work well and can be purcased online for very little money.The fda will not ban most of the things that I think you are refering to because they don't do anything.One online company would like you to think that the FDA is looking at their stuff.This is nothing but marketing and is complete nonsense.Good luck and please stay away from the gear!
I see after looking at some forums it seems I can include the name of the company I'm talking about.Legal steroids and SDI labs.Go to to file if you've been ripped-off by them.
yea idk i iam gonna start a cycle on superdrol next week this is how my cylce looks
Week 1 3 pills a day for seven days
Week 2 4 pills a day for seven days
Week 3 5 pills a day for seven days
Week 4 6 pills a day for seven days

PCT Novadex XT
Week 1 5 pills a day for seven days
Week 2 4 pills a day for seven days
Week 3 3 pills a day for seven days
Week 4 2 pills a day for seven days
Week 5 1 pill a day for seven days

and while i am doing that i am taking 1000 mg of milk thistle
tell me if thats pretty good or not or yea what could u stack with superdrol
Thats too bad, thought this stuff (superdrol) was worth something. really looking to put on about 20- 30 solid lbs. as soon as possible and since i'm still overseas i dont really have options. Always been a slim guy, right now im 30yo 6'1'' and 165lbs, youd think after ten years in the corps id have been able to put some weight on. thanks for the input.